AltWeeklies Wire

Bad Management of One Low-Income Florida Apartment Bldg. Leaves Residents in Limbonew

By all accounts, the elderly residents of Bethany Towers are suffering.
Creative Loafing (Tampa)  |  Alex Pickett  |  12-22-2008  |  Housing & Development

Why is Florida's Top Tourism Bureau Backing Offshore Drilling?new

The Florida Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus recently endorsed oil drilling off of Florida's coast.
Creative Loafing (Tampa)  |  Alex Pickett  |  12-16-2008  |  Environment

Welcome to Nukesville, Floridanew

Who gets to pay for Progress Energy's new nuclear power plant? You do.
Creative Loafing (Tampa)  |  Alex Pickett  |  12-16-2008  |  Environment

A Transgender Woman's Difficult Job Searchnew

Prejudices compound the struggle to find employment.
Creative Loafing (Tampa)  |  Alex Pickett  |  09-03-2008  |  Policy Issues

The Photoshop™ Copnew

Ken Kokotek mocked his superiors on the Internet. Now he's paying for it.
Creative Loafing (Tampa)  |  Alex Pickett  |  08-27-2008  |  Policy Issues

What Killed Tampa Bay's Zine Scene?new

You remember zines, right? Those self-published, cut-and-paste, photocopied booklets that resembled collated ransom notes? During the '90s and early '00s, you could find them in nearly every Tampa Bay coffeeshop, record store and music venue bathroom. But today you can find nary a one. What happened?
Creative Loafing (Tampa)  |  Alex Pickett  |  08-14-2008  |  Media

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