AAN News

Dan Savage, Husband

It got better. (FULL STORY)
<3  |  12-10-2012  3:58 pm  |  Honors & Achievements

Dan Savage Defends San Diego CityBeat Columnist's Use of the Word 'Homosexual'

In a letter to San Diego CityBeat columnist Edwin Decker, GLAAD wrote, "Please avoid using 'homosexual' except in direct quotes." (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  10-06-2011  3:49 pm  |  Industry News

MTV Greenlights Dan Savage's Sex Advice Shownew

MTV has approved a full season of Savage U, in which the ubiquitous sex advice columnist and Stranger editorial director takes questions while touring college campuses.
Inside TV  |  04-05-2011  8:26 am  |  Industry News

Dan Savage Strikes A Collective Nervenew

Dan Savage's YouTube plea to LGBT teens is inspiring thousands to tell their stories.
It Gets Better Project  |  10-20-2010  1:25 pm  |  Industry News  |  Comments (1)

'Savage Love' iPhone App Released

Index Newspapers (parent company of The Stranger and Portland Mercury) and Night & Day Studios have released a Savage Love iPhone app, which provides "an interactive take on the love, sex, and relationship advice Dan Savage has been serving up for nearly 20 years," as the press release puts it. The app features a "Question of the Day" updated each afternoon, previous columns and podcasts, and exclusive text and video content. "We thought for sure that the app store would reject this but they approved in record time," Stranger publisher Tim Keck says. "I guess we've lost our touch." The app sells for $1.99, and is tagged in the iTune app store as having "Frequent/Intense Sexual Content or Nudity," "Frequent/Intense Profanity or Crude Humor," and "Frequent/Intense Mature/Suggestive Themes." In other words, everything you love about Savage Love to begin with. (FULL STORY)
Index Newspapers Press Release  |  06-04-2010  10:50 am  |  Press Releases

Musical Theater Version of Dan Savage Book Coming to Broadwaynew

Savage's 2000 book The Kid: What Happened After My Boyfriend and I Decided to Go Get Pregnant has been turned into a musical by The New Group and will launch on Broadway in April. The Savage character will be played by Christopher Sieber, who has been nominated for Tony Awards for his performances in Monty Python's Spamalot and Shrek The Musical.
BroadwayWorld.com  |  02-17-2010  1:10 pm  |  Industry News

Dan Savage: If You Want a Media Job, Be Prepared to Work for Freenew

"I hear all the time from people who are just starting out who want media careers, who want to be writers, who want to broadcast," The Stranger editor and "Savage Love" columnist says in an appearance on the Too Beautiful To Live podcast. "Then the next thing out of their mouth, when they're applying for jobs, is that they need $60,000-$70,000 a year. I laugh and look at them and say 'The first three years that I did the column I got nothing." Savage adds: "There's no job in media for anyone anymore who isn't willing to do it for free at the outset." You can listen to the entire show, where Savage discusses everything from Dr. Drew to monetizing his "Savage Love" podcast, here (Savage comes on in the second half).
MyNorthwest.com  |  02-04-2010  9:14 am  |  Industry News

Dan Savage Working on Potential HBO Shownew

The Stranger's editorial director and syndicated columnist has been in Los Angeles this month working with HBO on a "presentation pilot" for a potential TV show. The show will have a "focus on current events and cultural trends with sex as the filter," Savage writes. "Basically, my sex-advice column -- but on the teevee!" The pilot is taping on Aug. 27 -- you can sign up for tickets here. A Craigslist ad offers a glimpse into a potential topic for the pilot: men who wear chastity belts.
The Stranger  |  08-21-2009  9:29 am  |  Industry News

Dan Savage to Host AltWeekly Awards Luncheon

The Stranger's editorial director and syndicated sex columnist has been tapped to reprise his role as host of the AltWeekly Awards Luncheon at this year's AAN Convention. (FULL STORY)
AAN  |  04-01-2009  1:44 pm  |  Association News

Is Dan Savage Really Running for Mayor?new

In a blog post on Monday titled "I'm Running for Mayor," The Stranger's editorial director threw his hat in the mayoral ring, saying "my entire platform is this: If elected I pledge to resign the office of mayor 24 hours after I'm sworn in." Seattle officials are trying to figure out if Savage is really mounting a run or just joking around. City rules say candidates must file paperwork with the city clerk within two weeks of publicly announcing an intention to run. "We've got to figure out whether he's serious or not," Ethics and Elections Commission chairman Wayne Barnett tells the Seattle Times.
The Seattle Times | The Stranger  |  03-20-2009  9:36 am  |  Industry News

Seattle Gay Bars and The Stranger Receive Threatening Lettersnew

Eleven gay bars received letters yesterday from someone claiming to be in the possession of ricin, a deadly poison. "Your establishment has been targeted," the letter begins. "I have in my possession approximately 67 grams of ricin with which I will indiscriminately target at least five of your clients." The Stranger also received a letter, which was addressed to the attention of "Obituaries," according to editorial director Dan Savage. It said that the paper should "be prepared to announce the deaths of approximately 55 individuals all of whom were patrons of the following establishments on a Saturday in January," before listing a handful of gay bars.
The Stranger  |  01-07-2009  9:10 am  |  Industry News

Dan Savage Responds to Utah Invite: 'I'm Not Ready to Make Nice'new

"I get it, I get it: you're not all bigots and haters, and people marched against Prop 8 in Salt Lake City this weekend," Savage writes in response to Salt Lake Tribune columnist Sean P. Means' invitation for Savage to visit the state to see the "real" Utah. "But I'm not ready to make nice -- on purpose or by accident -- with the bigots and haters from Magic Underpants Inc. who donated money and time to Prop 8." MORE: Savage has been "a teeny bit over the top with his rhetoric, Salt Lake City Weekly's John Saltas says, before reprising Means' invite and offering to pay Savage's way. "We'll introduce him to local GLBT leaders, many of whom are equally pissed that he walked away from them."
The Stranger  |  11-20-2008  9:12 am  |  Industry News

Columnist Invites Dan Savage 'To See the Real Utah'new

Salt Lake Tribune columnist Sean P. Means says he doesn't "like that Savage and others have singled out Utah for their wrath" with a proposed boycott over the Mormon Church's support of California's ballot initiative banning same-sex marriage. But Means says he'd "rather engage Savage in this discussion," so he has invited him to come to Utah. Means says he'd even buy drinks for Savage and Salt Lake City Weekly founder John Saltas, who publicly dropped the "Savage Love" column last week, "to let the healing begin."
The Salt Lake Tribune  |  11-18-2008  9:55 am  |  Industry News

Salt Lake City Weekly Drops 'Savage Love' After Talk of Utah Boycottnew

In the wake of the passage of a same-sex marriage ban in California last week, an effort that was heavily funded by the Mormon church, Dan Savage and others have called for boycotting the state. "Trouble is, all Utahns aren't to blame, nor are all Mormons," writes Salt Lake City Weekly founder John Saltas. "A nonspecific call to boycott is never effective and is fraught with misdirected fire." He concludes that "since Savage hates Utah so much, there's no point in us playing in his sandbox by sending him a regular check." MORE:The Village Voice weighs in on the Weekly's decision. STILL EVEN MORE: Savage has been making the media rounds talking about Prop. 8 this week. Check out his New York Times op-ed, his appearance on The Colbert Report and his takedown of Tony Perkins on Anderson Cooper 360.
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  11-13-2008  9:18 am  |  Industry News

Dan Savage Talks 'Savage Love' and the Role of Alt-Weekliesnew

In the recurring "So What Do You Do?" column on MediaBistro, the editorial director of The Stranger and syndicated sex advice columnist discusses how he got started with "Savage Love," how sex-column writing has changed in the last 15 years, and why he loves his job. "I get emails from people all day long describing their sex lives and sex problems," he says. Savage also talks about the role of the alt-weekly in a deteriorating mainstream media landscape. "I think alt-weeklies have more and more of a role to play -- particularly as dailies continue to try and swim around with an anvil under each arm," he says. "One anvil is objectivity and the other is 'family newspaper.' Alt-weeklies have the luxury of publishing writing by adults, to adults, and for adults. And that's a real advantage. It's a style advantage, it's an attitudinal advantage, and it's also an urban advantage."
MediaBistro  |  11-12-2008  12:52 pm  |  Industry News
