AAN News
New Editor Named at New York Press in Editorial Shuffle
Replacing David Blum as editor-in-chief of the Press is Jerry Portwood, who was previously the paper's managing editor. Blum becomes editor of 02138, the bi-monthly magazine acquired in May by Press parent company Manhattan Media. Blum's move coincides with a major re-launch of the luxury lifestyle magazine for Harvard alumni.
Manhattan Media Press Release |
07-21-2008 2:20 pm |
Press Releases
New York Press Publishes Wall Street Journal Parody
Back in 1982, Press editor David Blum -- who was then a Wall Street Journal reporter -- was part of a team that published the one-off satire Off the Wall Street Journal, and now he and the Press have published the sequel: My Wall Street Journal, which is published "in honor of Rupert Murdoch's ever-expanding media empire." The project brings Murdoch's tabloid sensibilities to the legendary paper, with results like a full-page spread of a bare-breasted Ann Coulter; a gossip section entitled "Page Sex;" and headlines such as "Cleaning Lady Sees Virgin in Merrill-Lynch Q4 Loss." The team also produced a fake YouTube video of Murdoch reacting to My Wall Street Journal. Read more from the New York Times and Editor & Publisher.
Manhattan Media Press Release |
04-14-2008 1:06 pm |
Press Releases
Clare Danes 'Feels Extremely Violated' by New York Press Storynew
The Press' Becca Tucker stalked the My So-Called Life star in an effort to show just how easy it is to stalk celebrities in New York City, but Danes wasn't thrilled, according to Gawker. Jeff Berg, the chairman of International Creative Management, which represents Danes, called editor David Blum on Friday and asked him to redact online a reference to the street where she lives. "He got very hostile," Blum says, noting that Berg asked, "What are you going to do, print her phone number next?" The paper did keep her building number out of the story, by redacting it from a direct quote from New York magazine, which gives her full address online. "I'm no more inclined to print her phone number than to print her exact street address," Blum says.
Gawker |
12-10-2007 8:42 am |
Industry News
Howard Kurtz's 'Scoop' Was First Revealed by David Blum Two Years Agonew
The Washington Post media columnist's new book Reality Show: Inside the Last Great Television News War has the Beltway buzzing after being partially leaked on the Drudge Report this weekend. "Kurtz's story was treated as big news -- but the substance, and some of the language as well, was no different from New York Press editor-in-chief David Blum's 2004 book, Tick... Tick... Tick..: The Long Life and Turbulent Times of 60 Minutes," according to Gawker. The big scoop from Kurtz was that Dan Rather threatened to take his Bush/National Guard documents -- which ultimately cost him his anchor chair at CBS -- to the New York Times, which was included in the 2005 paperback edition of Blum's book. Kurtz says he never saw that edition of the book. "Good for him for getting there first," he tells Gawker. "I'm a fanatic about giving credit, which is why my book is filled with footnotes, but you can't do that if you've never seen the information." That's all fine and good, but it leaves the New York Observer to wonder: Will Kurtz "continue to tout the anecdote as a 'scoop' in his upcoming appearances supporting the book?"
Gawker | The New York Observer |
10-10-2007 10:25 am |
Industry News
New York Press Hires Former Village Voice Editor David Blumnew
Manhattan Media has named Blum editor-in-chief of New York Press as well as editorial director of the company's community newspaper group, the New York Times reports. When he starts the job Sept. 5, Blum's first task "will be to compete more vigorously with The Voice," where he served as editor for six months ending this March. "I want to make The Press as fresh and unpredictable as possible," he says. "I tried to do that at The Village Voice, but I didn't have enough time at The Voice to achieve the goals that I had at the paper. But here I will." In his interview with the Times, Blum also takes the opportunity to take a shot at his new competition and former employer for its out-of-town ownership. "I am excited to be working with a publisher and an owner who lives in New York, who knows the city extremely well," he says. "I think that will be a big plus for The Press -- and for me."
The New York Times |
08-13-2007 8:22 am |
Industry News
David Blum Says He Never Had VVM's Confidence as Voice Editornew
"My job as editor in chief of The Village Voice was not all spent putting out the newspaper, but also keeping people happy thousands of miles away," Blum tells the New York Observer. Blum says he received frequent calls and e-mails from VVM headquarters about running the paper. An unnamed Voice staffer tells the Observer it wasn't clear the j-school adjunct was "comfortable in the editor role," noting he was more at ease with recent hires from Columbia Univ. than with longtime Voice staffers.
The New York Observer |
03-07-2007 11:49 am |
Industry News
Blum's Comments on Race Not Behind Firingnew
Village Voice Media Executive Editor Michael Lacey says Blum was dismissed due to differences over "administrative style" and because he didn't get enough "news in the paper."
The Village Voice |
03-06-2007 2:04 pm |
Industry News
'Management Concerns' Led to David Blum's Firingnew

Despite earlier reports that Blum was fired as a result of comments he made at a staff meeting last week, Voice spokesperson Maggie Shnayerson tells AP that the meeting was only a "catalyst" for the editor's dismissal. "It was not a decision that was reached in any kind of knee-jerk way," says Shnayerson. Blum's response to concerns about racial diversity that were raised during the meeting may have offended some people, Voice staff writer Wayne Barrett confirms, but everyone seems to agree that his remarks weren't a firing offense. "There were disagreements about the amount of emphasis he had given so far to hiring minorities," an unnamed staffer tells the New York Times. "There was nothing said in that meeting by David Blum that was racist."
AP via Newsday | New York Times |
03-05-2007 10:13 am |
Industry News
David Blum Out as Voice Editornew
At a Friday afternoon meeting, Village Voice staffers were told that Blum was "no longer the editor of the paper" as a result of unspecified comments he made that were "unacceptable," according to Gawker. Radar reports that Bill Jensen, director of Web and digital operations for Village Voice Media, has been named interim editor.
Gawker | Radar |
03-02-2007 7:19 pm |
Industry News
Koyen: David Blum's First 100 Days a Disappointmentnew
Jeff Koyen accuses the Village Voice's new editor of failing to reinvent the alt-weekly format in his first three months on the job. "I'm ashamed to admit that I was optimistic when Blum was hired to run the Village Voice," Koyen writes in the British daily Guardian. "Unfortunately, Blum is playing by the book." Koyen, who approves of the "cleaned house" that followed the Voice's acquisition by the New Times chain, formerly competed with the Manhattan alt-weekly when he worked for a number years at the New York Press, where he was editor from 2003 to 2005.
Guardian Unlimited |
12-22-2006 3:53 pm |
Industry News
Blum Tells Voice Staffers: No More Layoffs in the Worksnew
New York Observer |
09-07-2006 8:18 pm |
Industry News
New Voice Editor's Early Take on the Alternative Press
In an article appearing in the Oct. 17, 1979 issue of the Wall Street Journal, David Blum exhibited an early fascination with the alt-weekly format. Blum, who was recently named editor of the Village Voice, wrote: "Some newspapers do a lot of strange things. Take the Chicago Reader." In addition to exploring the Reader's free-classifieds strategy and its strong hold on both readers and advertisers, Blum questioned the paper's lack of political coverage: "[Co-owner Robert] Roth dates the paper's first issue, that of October 1971, as 'five months after the Kent State Shootings' -- which would seem hardly the time for an alternative paper to concentrate on suggesting what to do on a Saturday night." Blum's article is available for $4.95 in the Wall Street Journal archives.
08-17-2006 11:03 am |
Industry News
Blum Promises Voice Staff He Will Show Up for Worknew
The New York Sun |
08-15-2006 10:41 pm |
Industry News
The Village Voice Announces David Blum Is New Editor in Chief

Blum (pictured) is a veteran New York journalist who has worked at Esquire, New York magazine, and The New York Times Magazine. He is also an adjunct professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and the author of two books: Flash in the Pan: The Life and Death of an American Restaurant and Tick... Tick... Tick...: The Long Life and Turbulent Times of 60 Minutes. In a press release, Blum says, "I believe in the limitless possibilities of weeklies, and in the power of narrative journalism to change the way people think and feel. ... I want New Yorkers to read the Voice, and to be moved, entertained, amused, confronted and compelled by what it has to say." His first day at the Voice will be Sept. 12.
Village Voice Media Press Release |
08-14-2006 1:22 pm |
Press Releases
Blum the Fifth Village Voice Editor This Yearnew
Editor & Publisher |
08-14-2006 1:45 pm |
Industry News