AAN News

Kostizi Announces Updated Member Card

Multi-merchant, multi-use Kostizi Card is now open loop. (FULL STORY)
Kostizi  |  07-21-2011  2:00 pm  |  Press Releases

Get the Monkey Off Your Back With BeedFack

Avenews Conducting Biweekly Webinars on BeedFack Survey Publishing System (FULL STORY)
Avenews Press Release  |  08-06-2009  2:11 pm  |  Press Releases

Avenews Launches New Balloting and Survey Software

BeedFack is a ballot and survey web engine "designed to take the headache out of conducting large-scale reader's polls and managing associated editorial workflow and output," Avenews says in a release. The product works for simple and complex surveys, including the ubiquitous "Best Of" reader polls so many alt-weeklies undertake. "My staff is embracing it, finding it easy and fast," Salt Lake City Weekly editor Jerre Wroble says. "The best part is that once we've used the system for a Best Of, it remembers all write-ups, winners and locations so each year the process is quicker and easier." (FULL STORY)
Avenews Press Release  |  07-29-2009  9:27 am  |  Press Releases
