Get the Monkey Off Your Back With BeedFack

Avenews Conducting Biweekly Webinars on BeedFack Survey Publishing System

august 6, 2009  02:11 pm
Get the Monkey Off Your Back With BeedFack
Avenews is hosting Biweekly webinars for current BeedFack users and anyone who would like to learn more about the system. Webinars are geared towards those who manage the creating and posting of surveys as well as editorial staff who manage staff picks, write-ups and the workflow of authors.

Webinars are held every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. MDT and every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. MDT. They are conducted in two segments. The first addresses creating and publishing a survey, entering votes from other sources and managing responses including eliminating 'ballot stuffers,' merging similar responses and formatting responses for final output. The second segment covers creating and managing staff picks, selecting and managing winners including contact info, locations and images, creating and managing write-ups, managing authors and system users, reports and exports.

Attendance is open and unlimited. For information about accessing BeedFack webinars, call (801) 575-7003 or email For more information on the BeedFack Survey Publishing system, call or visit