AAN News
Sacramento News & Review Names Rachel Leibrock and Nick Miller as Co-Editors

Two long-time SN&R employees, arts & culture editor Rachel Leibrock and managing editor Nick Miller, will become co-Editors. They will replace founding editor Melinda Welsh, who announced earlier this year that she is stepping down.
06-14-2012 12:51 pm |
Industry News
Folio Weekly Hires Denise Reagan as Editornew

Denise Reagan will officially replace outgoing editor Anne Schindler in July.
Folio Weekly |
06-12-2012 11:58 am |
Industry News
Tags: Editorial, Folio Weekly
Cleveland Scene Fires Editor, Will Emphasize Music Coveragenew

Two-year Cleveland Scene editor Erich Burnett has been let go. "We just needed a completely fresh perspective," said publisher Chris Keating.
Cleveland.com |
06-12-2012 3:22 pm |
Industry News
NPR Correspondent Marilyn Geewax on the Economy: 'It's complicated'

Journalists shared the harsh truths about the U.S. economy and how to cover them during AAN's annual convention last week in Detroit.
06-12-2012 2:30 pm |
Conference News
Tags: Editorial
Santa Fe Reporter Names Arts & Culture Editor

The Santa Fe Reporter has named former San Diego CityBeat contributor and AAN Diversity Scholarship recipient Enrique Limón as its new arts & culture editor.
05-30-2012 11:22 am |
Industry News
Join MC5 Guitarist Wayne Kramer at AAN Convention

Wayne Kramer, noted guitarist, songwriter and film and television composer will speak about the city of Detroit, music and community activism at the AAN Convention in Detroit.
05-30-2012 8:00 am |
Conference News
Tags: Editorial
Chicago Reader Sale Finalizednew
Wrapports LLC has closed the deal to purchase the Chicago Reader from Atalaya Capital Management for $3 million.
Chicago Reader |
05-23-2012 4:57 pm |
Industry News
Village Voice Media Releases True-Crime eBook

'Seven Sins: An Anthology of True
Crime Stories from Village Voice Media,' pulls together some of VVM's most gripping recent true-crime reporting.
Village Voice Media |
05-23-2012 12:30 pm |
Press Releases
Folio Weekly Editor Anne Schindler to Depart

Schindler is joining Jacksonville television broadcaster First Coast News as Executive Producer of Special Projects.
Folio Weekly |
05-16-2012 5:19 pm |
Industry News
California Newspaper Publishers Association Honors 8 Alt-Weekliesnew
Monterey County Weekly took first place for General Excellence.
California Newspaper Publishers Association |
05-10-2012 3:20 pm |
Honors & Achievements
Three VVM Publications Pick Up Maggie Awardsnew
Houston Press, L.A. Weekly, and Phoenix New Times each came out as winners in the Western Publishing Association's Maggie Awards.
Village Voice Media |
05-02-2012 5:20 pm |
Honors & Achievements
Jackson Free Press News Editor Wins EWA Scholarship

Jackson Free Press news editor Elizabeth Waibel recently won a scholarship from the Education Writers Association.
Jackson Free Press |
05-01-2012 2:12 pm |
Honors & Achievements
Tags: Editorial, Jackson Free Press
AAN's 35th Annual Convention Heads to Detroit

AAN's 35th Annual Convention will take place Thursday, June 7 through Saturday, June 9.
04-24-2012 5:00 pm |
Conference News
Three Alt-Weekly Reporters Earn Spots at McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute

Three alt-weekly reporters will be among 31 participants of a McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute, "Investigating Super PACs," taking place in Washington, D.C. this weekend.
Sunlight Foundation |
04-19-2012 5:45 pm |
Honors & Achievements
Sunlight Foundation Offers Super PAC Money Tracker Webinar

Join AAN and the Sunlight Foundation for a webinar demonstrating its tools for following the vast amounts of free-flowing money influencing the 2012 election.
04-17-2012 3:00 pm |
Association News
Tags: Editorial