Seven Creative Loafing Employees Laid Off
By AAN Staff
december 10, 2007 01:16 pm
"Friday was a rough day at the
Loaf, perhaps
even rougher at our new brethren papers in Washington and Chicago," writes
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) editor-in-chief Ken Edelstein. "In Atlanta, we laid off four sales people, a marketing assistant, a sales assistant and our wonderful assistant distribution manager." He adds that the six-paper company is going through the same sort of difficult transition that's hitting other media companies, before noting that his paper's online readership continues to grow. "How that audience growth translates into ad dollars is the business question that [CEO] Ben [Eason] and the folks on the sales side of our business are going to have to grapple with for a long time -- and continuously."
Classified Advertising,
Retail Advertising,
Creative Loafing (Atlanta),
CL, Inc.,
Ken Edelstein,
Ben Eason