Medill Workshop Set for Mid-September

july 14, 2003  05:19 pm
The 7th annual AAN/Medill Alternative Journalism Writing Workshop is scheduled for Sept. 12-14 at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism in Evanston, Ill.

AAN editors and writers will join Medill faculty and others to parse the process of creating the narrative journalism that is a hallmark of alternative newsweeklies.

This year's workshop features sessions on ethics in the wake of a series of journalism scandals this year, addressing ethical minefields such as "fixing" quotes, attributions, proper crediting, the dangers of cut-and-paste reporting, fact-checking and libel.

In what is on its way to becoming a Medill Workshop tradition, the John Bartlow Martin awards for public interest magazine journalism will be presented at the Saturday night dinner. This year's winner is Miami New Times for its ambitious feature series on poverty, "We're No. 1." Last year the awards were presented to Lisa Davis of SF Weekly for first prize and Amy Silverman of Phoenix New Times for third place.

Workshop sessions are scheduled from 1:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 12 through noon Sunday, Sept. 14. This year the Sunday session is optional and will feature a breakfast and critique sessions for writers with AAN editors.

Tuition for the workshop is $150 for AAN members and $200 for non-members. Tuition includes dinner Friday night, lunch and dinner Saturday, and Sunday breakfast.

Registration materials and the program schedule will be mailed in August. For more information contact Communications Director Lyda Phillips at or (202) 822-1955.