AltWeeklies Wire
Off Targetnew
The deadly New York police shooting of Sean Bell hits close to home for Philadelphia attorney Willie Nattiel.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Kia Gregory |
12-12-2006 |
Crime & Justice
Have Gun, Will Unravelnew
The story developed by cinema auteur Lars von Trier makes no sense and depends upon people acting based on some crazed Dane's mental stereotype of Americans.
Dallas Observer |
Luke Y. Thompson |
10-19-2005 |
Former Congressman Dials In on the Telecom Warsnew
Tim Wirth, the former chairman of the House Telecommunications Subcommittee, says self-interest has eclipsed public interest in the communications industry.
Smooth Operatorsnew
We’re in the "feast" portion of the feast-or-famine TV cycle. Two of the season’s best new dramas, UPN’s Veronica Mars and Fox’s House, air opposite each other at 9 p.m. on Tuesdays.
Boston Phoenix |
Joyce Millman |
11-16-2004 |