AltWeeklies Wire

Fucked Up: David Comes to Lifenew

If hardcore is the music of male aggression -- which, let's be honest, it totally is -- then Fucked Up discovers hidden multitudes of feeling within it.
Tucson Weekly  |  Sean Bottai  |  06-09-2011  |  Reviews

The Improbable Trajectory of Toronto's Mighty Fucked Upnew

"Somehow we manage to keep snatching defeat from the jaws of victory," says Damian "Pink Eyes" Abraham of his Canadian punk band's rave review in the venerable New York Times. In this particular instance, the defeat part comes from naming your band Fucked Up.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Bill Forman  |  04-29-2010  |  Profiles & Interviews

Fucked Up Blazes New Path of Peace and Sanity

Damian Abraham has a solid idea of what the endgame for his band, Toronto's Fucked Up, will look like and it's sure to involve knives, firearms, blood and broken bones.
The Reader  |  Chris Aponick  |  02-17-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Fucked Up Pushes Punk Into the Future by Understanding the Pastnew

Instead of sticking to the standard punk template that far too many contemporary practitioners continue to employ, FU's members regularly stretch and twist their songs into intriguing new shapes, often with the help of some unlikely assistants.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  02-10-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Fucked Up Incites Pandemoniumnew

The band elicits visions of a car crashing into a phone pole, or a mob of angry drunks knocking each other to the ground. The melee can be dangerous, but there are some surprisingly tuneful moments tucked away under Damian Abraham's barking.
Weekly Alibi  |  Simon McCormack  |  02-03-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Fucked Up Finds Godliness in Down-to-Earth Punknew

The sextet no longer sounds like the sort of band that plays basement hardcore shows; it sounds like the sort of band that would follow a long concept album with another long concept album.
Washington City Paper  |  Brent Burton  |  10-17-2008  |  Reviews

The Volatile Voyage of Toronto's Fucked Upnew

Sure, they've been hyped to holy hell, but not only do they give yer gut a kiss with a mitt full of nickels, they actually challenge the listener.
Montreal Mirror  |  Johnson Cummins  |  10-10-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Psychedelic Punk? That's Fucked Upnew

Things have been going deceptively well for the Toronto hardcore quintet, travelling the globe nonstop since the release of their raging debut, Hidden World.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gregory Adams  |  07-06-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Fundamentals of Fucked Upnew

This pseudonym-only hardcore band subverts punk conventions.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Michael Harkin  |  06-27-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

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