AltWeeklies Wire
'The Interpreter': Criminal Injusticenew
A well-told story of death and injustice, one of many such tales that are part of the narrative of World War II.
NOW Magazine |
Howard Goldenthal |
08-06-2007 |
Whole Lot of Nothingnew
A ridiculous ending destroys all the momentum of The Interpreter.
Tucson Weekly |
Bob Grimm |
04-28-2005 |
Tags: Sydney Pollack, The Interpreter
Lost in Translationnew
All talk and little action, The Interpreter plays like a messy hodgepodge of moods, ideas, politics and emotions.
Dallas Observer |
Robert Wilonsky |
04-25-2005 |
Tags: Sydney Pollack, The Interpreter
Tower of Babelnew
Although The Interpreter is intelligent, intriguing, and topical, it's hampered by its own good intentions, too many plot convolutions, and character ambiguities that try to pass for suspense.
Austin Chronicle |
Marjorie Baumgarten |
04-22-2005 |
Tags: Sydney Pollack, The Interpreter
Film Turns National Tragedy Into Predictable Thrillernew
The way the film uses references to genocide, homicidal dictators and AIDS gives a shallow, disturbing quality to a routine Hollywood thriller. Africa may have limited economic value to the West, but its steady stream of real-life nightmares could be its best export for Hollywood filmmakers willing to craft entertainment out of other nations' misery.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Felicia Feaster |
04-21-2005 |
Tags: Sydney Pollack, The Interpreter