AltWeeklies Wire
Is There a Foreign Policy Bright Side to the Economic Crisis?new
The sinking economies of the West are dragging the price of oil down with them. For car-driving Americans, lower fuel prices mean a few extra bucks in our pockets each week. That's good news. Even better news: Lower oil prices mean a few extra billion dollars not pouring into the bank accounts of oil-rich countries like Venezuela.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
10-29-2008 |
Is a New Cold War Starting?new

The so-called new Cold War isn't new at all. It amounts to long-repressed grievances that finally are coming to the surface, due to energy concerns.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
09-24-2008 |
Tags: John McCain, energy, Georgia, foreign policy, Venezuela, international, Vladimir Putin, Cold War, Russia
Mark Weisbrot on the Media's Misleading Latin American Reportingnew
Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C., is considered to be one of the leading experts on the Venezuelan economy and the reforms of President Hugo Chavez. Weisbrot was in town last week to discuss American media's coverage of progressive changes in Latin America, coverage that he claims is misleading.
Shepherd Express |
Louis Fortis |
06-20-2008 |
War on Hugo Chaveznew
An outlaw and former spook takes on the Venezuelan dictator.
Miami New Times |
Janine Zeitlin |
10-15-2007 |
Very Slicknew
That cheap Venezuelan oil for low-income families means big bucks for the non-profit Citizens Energy.
New Haven Advocate |
Brian Slattery |
03-27-2006 |
Business & Labor
Katrina Nibbles Away at the U.S. Economynew
Gulfport, Miss., was poised to benefit from the passage of the Central American Free Trade Agreement -- until Hurricane Katrina damaged its port.
The Village Voice |
Erik Sass |
09-26-2005 |
Tags: Cuba, CAFTA, transportation, Flood, shipping, casinos, Venezuela, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro
Living and Dying by the Windnew
Kiteboarding is a wet, hot extreme sport that combines the thrill of flying with the threat of grievous bodily harm.
Miami New Times |
Kirk Nielsen |
09-05-2005 |
Terror Alert, Miami Stylenew
In covering the arrest of anti-Castro militant Luis Posada Carriles, reporters hungry for a "War on Terror" scoop collided with a White House anxious to woo the Cuban-exile community.
Miami New Times |
Brett Sokol |
06-07-2005 |
Back from Venezuela with Tales of the 'Bolivarian Revolution'new
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is portrayed in the U.S. media as a populist and potential communist dictator, buying off the masses with handouts. An Athens County man who spent four months last summer working for Chavez, however, tells a different story.
The Athens NEWS |
Jim Phillips |
11-15-2004 |