AltWeeklies Wire

Donations for Wildfire Relief Went to Plug Tourismnew

In early 2014, the Red Cross gave $50,000 of money designated to help with 2012 Colorado wildfires to the Manitou Springs Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau. The grant first came to light in late October, when $10,000 of it was used to pay for a Manitou fireworks display.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Robert Meyerowitz  |  11-20-2014  |  Disasters

Things Fall Apart

In New Orleans, a convoy of emergency responders find a Motel Six with its side ripped off, a tattered mattress on top of a car, starving dogs and a lone man who doesn't want to leave his home and go out into all that filth.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Dan Frosch  |  09-14-2005  |  Disasters

Lebanese-American Peace Activist Tells What He Learned in Iraqnew

"Most of the people I know in Iraq believe the US will impose a government on them and they will then either have to accept it or fight it," says Ramzi Kysia, who was in Iraq before and since the U.S. invasion.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Andrew Scutro  |  08-07-2004  |  International

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