AltWeeklies Wire
I Want to Believe in 'Prince Caspian'new
Narnia still just isn't magical enough.
Eugene Weekly |
Molly Templeton |
05-30-2008 |
'Prince Caspian' is Inappropriate for All Agesnew
Of the 144 minutes that the new fantasy-adventure film The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian runs, there isn't a single clever one to be found. There are, perhaps, three or four that sufficiently stimulate the eyes. This leaves at least 140 more to be bored by, to laugh at, to be further bored by and, finally, to plan an escape from.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Emiliano Garcia-Sarnoff |
05-23-2008 |
'Prince Caspian' is a Satisfying Visit Back to the Fantasy Worldnew

Andrew Adamson's film version of the C.S. Lewis book, though it suffers from many of the same flaws as his 2005 adaptation of the first Narnia novel, expands and contracts the story in just the right places to transform it into successful summer-blockbuster fodder.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Josh Bell |
05-16-2008 |
Go Back to Narnia with 'Prince Caspian'new
It's a little long, a little boring, but not entirely without visual inventiveness. Your mileage may vary depending on whether you're squiring tykes (sure, why not) or going by yourself as a grown-ass man or woman (don't bother).
Montreal Mirror |
Mark Slutsky |
05-16-2008 |
Load of the Rings
Prince Caspian fights its way from under the shadow of Middle-Earth.
Salt Lake City Weekly |
Scott Renshaw |
05-08-2008 |
Flawed Fantasynew
Much like Trix cereal, The Chronicles of Narnia is for kids.
Tucson Weekly |
James DiGiovanna |
12-15-2005 |
Holy Bankrollernew
Pious Phil Anschutz has more than money at stake in the $150 million production of C.S. Lewis's beloved Christian allegory.
Westword |
Bill Gallo |
12-14-2005 |
Profiles & Interviews
If I'm Lion, I'm Dyin'

If you and your kids aren't already admirers of the book, Narnia just may bore the crap out of the whole family.
Washington City Paper |
Tricia Olszewski |
12-09-2005 |
Knights in Armoirenew
The new film version of the first of Lewis's seven Narnia volumes plays like The Lord of the Rings with training wheels.
Boston Phoenix |
Gary Susman |
12-09-2005 |
If We Could Talk to the Animalsnew
Fusillade No. 1 in Disney's presumed seven-film adaptation of C.S. Lewis' beloved children's tales is marred by dodgy CGI work and windy pacing.
Austin Chronicle |
Marc Savlov |
12-08-2005 |
Out of the Closet
With a fairly faithful adaptation of the first book, the Chronicles of Narnia film franchise is off to a strong start, thank Aslan.
Columbus Alive |
J. Caleb Mozzocco |
12-08-2005 |
Good Battles Evil in Winter Wonderlandnew
As much as the director hews to the letter of C.S. Lewis' book, he ultimately finds the transcendent spirit elusive.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Curt Holman |
12-08-2005 |
In Like a Lambnew
The effects are effective in this mild but pleasing Christian allegory. So why couldn't they have replaced those bloody kids with CGI?
Seattle Weekly |
Tim Appelo |
12-07-2005 |
The Power of Belief
Narnia becomes real in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Salt Lake City Weekly |
MaryAnn Johanson |
12-05-2005 |
"Shrek 2" Avoids the Expected Sequel Pitfallsnew
Freed from the need to be the cocky "anti-Disney," SHREK 2 gets hilariously comfortable in its own skin.
Salt Lake City Weekly |
Scott Renshaw |
08-07-2004 |
Tags: Andrew Adamson, Shrek 2