AltWeeklies Wire
Birther Icon Orly Taitz Faces Some Uncomfortable Questionsnew
Unwittingly, Florida criminal-defense attorney Bradford Cohen had entered a world known to some as “The Birtherverse,” where Barack Obama isn’t considered an American citizen and the planets revolve around Orange County dentist-turned-lawyer Orly Taitz.
Anti-Obama Birthers Breaking Ties With Orly Taitznew
Lucas Smith isn't the first in the Obama-conspiracy world to quarrel with Taitz. In May, Pennsylvania lawyer Phil Berg teamed up with his assistant, Taitz's former webmaster and an online-talk-show host to sue Taitz for slander, harassment and privacy violations.
Meet the Queen Bee of People Obsessed With Barack Obama's Birth Certificatenew
With her strong will, busy travel schedule and breathless blogging, Laguna Niguel dentist Orly Taitz has become the most controversial figure in the effort to prove that President Barack Obama is foreign-born.