AltWeeklies Wire
Political Animals: Sarahmania Hits Houstonnew
There were many things to take away from the recent whirlwind visit to Houston of the woman who is ostentatiously keeping open the possibility of running for President in 2012, just in case the nation demands it.
Houston Press |
Richard Connelly |
02-23-2010 |
Turning Houston Bluenew

If Democrats hope to once again win statewide elections in Texas, they first must takeover the state's biggest city. Toward that end, Dems are pouring lots of money into a coordinated campaign to sweep Harris County this year. And everything was seemingly going their way -- until Hurricane Ike hit.
The Texas Observer |
Dave Mann |
10-22-2008 |
Hillary Clinton Strikes Gold in Bush Countrynew

The senator from the bluest of states collects the greenest of dollars from, of all places, Texas. In fact, the heart of Bush country has ranked second this year only to New York in filling her coffers.
The Village Voice |
Kristen Lombardi |
07-29-2005 |
Fog of War: Swift Boat Veterans Try to Discredit John Kerrynew
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group that has questioned John Kerry's war record and medals, denies any ties to the Republican Party. Members are motivated instead, they say, by a healthy disdain for Kerry and a fear that he might ascend to the presidency.
Dallas Observer |
John Gonzalez |
08-06-2004 |