AltWeeklies Wire

Living With HPVnew

It's the STD that afflicts millions. And yet few have come forward to share their travails with this nightmarish virus. Now one woman is ready to tell her story.
Boston Phoenix  |  Lisa Spinelli  |  09-02-2009  |  Culture

Alt.Health: Make Sure Your Bike Seat is a Perfect Fitnew

Seat, saddle, whatever. Those things can get uncomfortable for your delicate bits. In rare cases, women can lose sensitivity and swell up. For men, it can be more serious, and there's even talk that too much of that long-term pressure on the penile region can make the little admiral stop saluting.
NOW Magazine  |  Elizabeth Bromstein  |  08-17-2009  |  Advice

Sex Files: It's Never Too Late for Men to Deal With Premature Ejaculationnew

About 30 percent of men climax earlier than they want. Usually, the more anxious men get about the problem, the less control they have, creating a self-perpetuating cycle. The good news, however, is that it is often possible to make a clean break and start anew.
C-Ville Weekly  |  Annette Owens  |  07-30-2008  |  Advice

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