AltWeeklies Wire
Fajardo's Fight: Taking on Big Oil in Ecuadornew

Pablo Fajardo is the David in a David and Goliath-esque case pitting Ecuadorian Indians and mestizos against major American oil companies.
Eugene Weekly |
Natalie Miller and Camilla Mortensen |
08-13-2009 |
Tags: Amazon, Pablo Fajardo, rainforest, Texaco, environment, business, pollution, international, Chevron, Ecuador, Big Oil
Citizen EnCana: The Double Life of the World's Second-Largest Natural Gas
Canada's largest energy company has created jobs, brought investment and poured money into rural communities across the Canadian Prairies and the western United States. It has also left a trail of farmers and ranchers who say the company has ruined their land, made them sick and killed their livestock.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Adrian Morrow |
07-10-2008 |