AltWeeklies Wire

The CO2 Trapnew

California scientists develop material that captures carbon dioxide.
East Bay Express  |  Susanne Rust  |  01-23-2012  |  Environment

Gassed Up: Study Shows Montana's Emissions Have Jumped 36 Percentnew

Environment America, a national conservation group, announced last week that Montana has had a 36 percent jump in carbon dioxide emissions between 1990 and 2007. The state's increase dwarfs the average 19-percent rise across the nation and, since 2004, only Oklahoma's emissions grew faster than Montana's.
Missoula Independent  |  Jessica Mayrer  |  11-24-2009  |  Environment

What Will We Use Instead of Oil?new

If we're going to go on driving cars, but we can't afford to fuel them from petroleum (and we can't afford to put all those greenhouse gas emissions in the air either), then what do we do instead?
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  06-23-2008  |  Environment

Three Feet Higher and Risingnew

Global warming comes to Maryland.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Ralph Brave  |  07-12-2006  |  Policy Issues

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