AltWeeklies Wire
Weird Science: Evolution vs. Creationnew

The charge against teaching creationism in Louisiana public schools is being led by a determined teenager.
Pro-Evolution Forces Take an Unexpected Win at the Texas Board of Educationnew

The recent debate about how evolution should be taught in public schools revealed that the 15-member Texas State Board of Education is not, after all, necessarily dominated by right-wing religious fundamentalists.
Dallas Observer |
Kimberly Thorpe |
02-02-2009 |
The Fight is On Over Teaching 'Intelligent Design' in Texas Schoolsnew
The basic fight is expected to be over what kids are taught about evolution -- which takes up only about three days of teaching in a 180-day school year. But scientists and teachers argue there are much bigger things at stake: the intimidation of teachers and the possible beginning of biblical beliefs being taught as science in Texas public schools.
Fort Worth Weekly |
Laurie Barker James |
09-05-2008 |
The Wars Over Evolution Are Louder Than Evernew

One more time: who made the world? God? Natural selection? Or some ineffable combination of the two? Tuning into what Ben Stein, Bad Religion, and a physics prof from Massachusetts have to say about the latest attempts to justify the ways of God to man.
Boston Phoenix |
James Parker |
05-12-2008 |
Battle Against Teaching Evolution in Texas Beginsnew
Should creationism win out, textbooks throughout the country -- not just Texas -- will challenge the theory of evolution in science curricula.
Dallas Observer |
Jesse Hyde |
03-24-2008 |
Questioning Creation Gets You Firednew
After adjunct professor Jim Sparks publicly decried a biology textbook the university adopted for its introductory-level biology classes -- questioning whether the text had creationist leanings -- VCU has dismissed him.
Style Weekly |
Brandon Walters |
07-06-2006 |
The Missing Linknew
A scientist discovers that evolution is missing from Arkansas classrooms.
Arkansas Times |
Jason R. Wiles |
03-23-2006 |
The God Fossilnew

Most Americans who accept evolution think God created it -- these scientists think they can prove the opposite.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach |
Julia Reischel |
03-14-2006 |
The Plot to Kill Darwinnew

A Seattle think tank launched the modern intelligent-design movement with a simple memo, and the cause has mutated beyond rational control.
Seattle Weekly |
Roger Downey |
02-01-2006 |
Throwing Out Darwinnew

The latest skirmish in the culture wars may be coming to a school near you.
Creative Loafing (Tampa) |
Wayne Garcia |
01-20-2006 |
Monkey Trial, Take Twonew

Evolution vs. creationism made Hollywood courtroom drama in Inherit the Wind: what might the Intelligent Design sequel look like?
Valley Advocate |
Andrew Varnon |
01-19-2006 |
Cuban Exile Takes Top Billing in Intelligent Design Debatenew
Guillermo Gonzalez, who teaches astronomy at the University of Iowa, argues that a supreme being designed our planet to support both human life and scientific inquiry.
Miami New Times |
Mariah Blake |
11-07-2005 |
Survival of the Fittest Beliefsnew
"Intelligent Design" takes the place of the defeated creationism in the latest rematch in the heavyweight culture war.
The Education Censorsnew
Textbook companies are self-censoring their national editions to meet the whims of the religious conservatives that control the Texas Board of Education--effectively gutting the textbooks for the entire country.