AltWeeklies Wire

Body of Evidencenew

When it comes to Marin County's high rates for breast cancer, researchers still have their hands full.
Pacific Sun  |  Kelly O'Mara  |  09-24-2012  |  Health

Going Green: Weather reportnew

Freaky storms can be certifiable proof—or a complete headache—for climate-change scientists
Pacific Sun  |  Stan Cox  |  07-15-2011  |  Environment

Leader in Recycling Has Large Eco Footprintnew

Marin Sanitary Service started the first countywide curbside recycling program in the nation and opened the first indoor resource recovery center, but Marin residents still dispose of more waste than most other areas of the country, and an awful lot of it is not recycled.
Pacific Sun  |  Samantha Campos  |  07-18-2008  |  Environment

The American West at Risknew

When three geologists from Sonoma County set out to examine the environmental challenges of America's 11 arid Western states, they had little idea how much perpetual destruction they would discover had been taking place since wagon wheels first rolled across the great frontier. Ten years in the making, their book is "The American West at Risk." This is a Q&A format.
Pacific Sun  |  Samantha Campos  |  06-11-2008  |  Environment

Biotech Gold Rushnew

AltWeeklies Award - Cover Design
Pacific Sun  |  Beth Allen  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

One Man's Mission for Peace in Lebanonnew

At 17, he picked up an AK-47 and joined the militia -- now he's determined to see the children of Lebanon pick up books and put down their guns.
Pacific Sun  |  Jill Kramer  |  06-01-2007  |  International

She Yaks, He Won't Ask Directionsnew

Neuropsychiatrist Louann Brizendine, author of The Female Brain, explains the science behind sexual stereotypes.
Pacific Sun  |  Jill Kramer  |  09-22-2006  |  Sex

Raising a Lost Generationnew

The Price of Privilege author Madeline Levine discusses how parental pressure robs kids of their humanity.
Pacific Sun  |  Jill Kramer  |  08-24-2006  |  Children & Families

These Soldiers Say No to Iraqnew

Author Peter Laufer talks about his latest book, Mission Rejected: U.S. Soldiers Who Say No to Iraq.
Pacific Sun  |  Jill Kramer  |  07-27-2006  |  War

War Traumanew

Let's not make the same mistakes we made with Vietnam vets.
Pacific Sun  |  Jill Kramer  |  05-11-2006  |  War

Latest Buzz: Backyard Beekeepersnew

A scourge of mites is decimating honeybee colonies across the U.S., driving up pollination costs for farmers and breaking the hearts of beekeeper hobbyists.
Pacific Sun  |  Jill Kramer  |  04-28-2006  |  Environment

Preventing Breast Cancernew

Activist Jeanne Rizzo says there are plenty of things we could be doing to prevent breast cancer.
Pacific Sun  |  Jill Kramer  |  04-04-2006  |  Science

Sex Transports One in 12 into Mystical State

A Marin County research psychologist concludes that as many as one in twelve adults have catapulted into otherworldly realms or mystical states when making love. The vast majority believed they had tapped into divine forces.
Pacific Sun  |  Keith Thompson  |  06-08-2004  |  Sex

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