AltWeeklies Wire

Anger as Performance Art: The Town Hall Revoltnew

Why do I get so angry about yahoos hollering at congressmen during town-hall meetings? I've seen a lot of this as a news reporter over the years, and am convinced the juiced-up anger is more performance than sincere expression. But, alas, it seems to be working, something one can't say about the tactics of health-care reformers.
The Athens NEWS  |  Terry Smith  |  08-12-2009  |  Commentary

On the Ground at the DNC: The Weekend and Monday AMnew

The Dems are on the warpath to prove that they can connect with average Americans and change the course of this country for the better while their radical opponents on the street are preparing to tell the world that the Democrats are just one side of the same coin.
The Athens NEWS  |  Mike Ludwig  |  08-25-2008  |  Politics


Democrats' chances of retaining a key Ohio congressional seat depend on what happens in a three-way primary battle.
The Athens NEWS  |  Jim Phillips  |  03-03-2006  |  Politics

Hackett Jobnew

The Democratic Party has taken some hits for pressuring popular U.S. Senate candidate Paul Hackett to quit the Buckeye primary race in favor of party-insider Sherrod Brown -- but Hackett is just the latest victim of Democrats' disgusting desire to win.
The Athens NEWS  |  Terry Smith  |  03-01-2006  |  Commentary

Ohioans, Don't Get Fooled Again; Support Issues 2-5new

Ohio's Republican establishment is pulling out all the stops to defeat five election-reform issues on the ballot in November and preserve its domination of state government.
The Athens NEWS  |  Terry Smith  |  10-01-2005  |  Commentary

Next Time We Have a Moral Values Debate, Can We Include Everything?new

In the recently concluded depressing fiasco otherwise known as the presidential election, a large number of voters listed "moral values" as their main concern in deciding whom to vote for. For some reason, only Christian conservatives (and Karl Rove) get to define what's included in the category "moral values."
The Athens NEWS  |  Terry Smith  |  11-18-2004  |  Commentary

What Happened in Ohio?

The optimistic argument that a big voter turnout would benefit John Kerry was seductive, but George W. Bush's victory in Ohio isn't all that surprising. Anyone who thinks Ohio is a moderate state that suddenly turned conservative red on Nov. 2 hasn’t been paying attention.
The Athens NEWS  |  Terry Smith  |  11-05-2004  |  Commentary

Vote for Kerry and Replace Bush's Corporate-Driven, Inept Leadershipnew

John Kerry offers a superior alternative to President Bush's weird combination of extreme social conservatism and disregard for the perils of deficit spending. Bush has replaced America's traditional leadership in the world with a unilateral approach that has led to repeated mistakes in waging the war on terror.
The Athens NEWS  |  Terry Smith  |  10-28-2004  |  Commentary

Democratic Team Stresses Labor and Leadership Issues in Ohionew

If the "conventional wisdom" is to be believed on the potential weak spots of the Kerry/Edwards ticket, the candidates hit the proper notes at Saturday's rally in Zanesville, Ohio.
The Athens NEWS  |  Jim Phillips  |  08-03-2004  |  Politics

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