AltWeeklies Wire
Afghanistan War Promises Victory So Glorious We Never Shall Winnew
The old joke says that since 2003, U.S. soldiers have been between Iraq and a hard place. With a sanctioned Iraqi withdrawal underway at last, our troops are now in the hard place. It's no joke.
Birmingham Weekly |
Courtney Haden |
09-24-2009 |
So What Would Jesus Do About Health Care Reform?new

Think Barack Obama's a socialist? He's practically Calvin Coolidge if you compare his ideas on health care to those of Jesus.
Birmingham Weekly |
Courtney Haden |
09-08-2009 |
VIDEO: Looking for Larry Langfordnew
Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford testified under oath that he intended to move to the City of Birmingham. But has Langford moved, even a year and a half later? Birmingham Weekly made five trips in five weeks to his Fairfield home to see if Langford was still living there. Can you guess what we found?
Birmingham Weekly |
Kyle Whitmire |
05-05-2009 |
Birmingham Ex-Mayor Generates Comeback Buzznew

The old mayor with some old political allies is starting a new coalition, and he brings the promise of turning the clock back -- giving Birmingham a do-over. The question is, though, is he for real this time?
Birmingham Weekly |
Kyle Whitmire |
04-14-2009 |
Tags: Birmingham, Richard Arrington
Sins of Commission: Alabama's Jefferson County Approves Absurd Lobbying Contractnew
"Like flushing money down the toilet." Now there’s an expression just about everybody in Jefferson County understands. Just about everybody — with the exception of three county commissioners.
Birmingham Weekly |
Kyle Whitmire |
02-03-2009 |
I'll Tell Ya Who I'm Voting Fornew
We don’t do endorsements at the Weekly, but I believe in transparency. If I’m going to vote, readers deserve to know for whom and why.
Birmingham Weekly |
Kyle Whitmire |
02-05-2008 |
The Time Has Come to Pick a Presidentnew
The rise of Huckabee from Arkansan anonymity has given the GOP Establishment shivering fits, mainly because he is not beholden to them. He has shown disquieting willingness to forego Bush-Cheney talking points in favor of his own agenda, decidedly less billionaire-centric than the current Administration’s.
Birmingham Weekly |
Courtney Haden |
02-05-2008 |
Obama vs. the Straw Bossnew
Alabama Democratic Party boss Joe Reed supports Clinton at his own risk.
Birmingham Weekly |
Kyle Whitmire |
01-14-2008 |
Forward, Backwards, Double-Timenew
The future of Iraq seen through space and time.
Birmingham Weekly |
Courtney Haden |
12-03-2007 |
The Barred of Pakistannew
The dapper but doughy Pervez Musharraf, president of Pakistan, decided that democracy was getting a little out of hand on his watch and chose to take some liberties with liberty.
Birmingham Weekly |
Courtney Haden |
11-12-2007 |
Tags: Pakistan
All Aboard to Crazytownnew
Since winning election last month, Mayor-elect Larry Langford has announced new rules, new ideas and new staff for Birmingham -- some good, some bizarre.
Birmingham Weekly |
Kyle Whitmire |
11-12-2007 |
FBI Probes Charity Linked to Birmingham's Mayor-Electnew
The non-profit organization Computer Help for Kids resisted a 2002 city audit.
Birmingham Weekly |
Kyle Whitmire |
11-05-2007 |
Larry Langford's Greatest Hitsnew
The Birmingham mayoral candidate's political career has been thirty years in the taking.
Birmingham Weekly |
Kyle Whitmire |
10-09-2007 |
Race for the Future: The 2007 Birmingham Mayoral Racenew
The four front-runners talk about their visions for the future of the city.
Birmingham Weekly |
Kyle Whitmire |
09-24-2007 |
9/11: Six Years Later, Are We Any Safer?new
On this September 11, even as bin Laden remains at large, we are still waist-deep in The Big Sandy, with a mission lacking closure and yet another demand for supplemental billions of dollars in funding for endless war en route from the White House to Congress for a likely rubber-stamped approval.
Birmingham Weekly |
Courtney Haden |
09-10-2007 |