AltWeeklies Wire
The Exorcist?new
This minister has a little too much sympathy for the devil.
One Hot Throwdownnew

Corporate radio tramples the turf of Kansas City's hip-hop king KPRS.
Tags: media
Is Esmie Evil?new
As a posse of parents throw their support behind 16-year-old accused murderer Esmie Tseng, many remain unaware of her cries for help and are blind to the messages her case relays about their own kids.
The Pitch |
Nadia Pflaum |
01-10-2006 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: matricide, troubled youth
Merry Xmas From the Dead Mallsnew
Once kings of the retail jungle, malls have lost customers to the Internet and big-box retailers. But malls can't slink off into a cave and die. They just stand there, huge and vacant.
The Pitch |
David Martin |
12-20-2005 |
Housing & Development
Double Trouble in Court for Lookalike Cousinsnew
After two people got shot outside a Missouri nightclub, Jack Haley was sent away for a long time. But he says his only crime was looking too much like the real shooter.
The Pitch |
Bryan Noonan |
12-13-2005 |
Crime & Justice
Fowl-Offal Plant Emits an Awful, Foul Odornew

Neighbors are complaining of the stench from a first-of-its-kind facility designed to convert turkey offal into oils, gas and minerals for use as fuel and fertilizer.
The Pitch |
David Martin |
11-30-2005 |
A Prosecutor Tough on Some Crimes Steps Into the Limelightnew
In his national television debut, Jackson County, Kansas, Prosecutor Mike Sanders doesn't look half-bad, but his decision to appear on Dr. Phil draws fire from his critics.
The Pitch |
Kendrick Blackwood |
11-16-2005 |
Crime & Justice
Father of Murdered Woman Keeps After Public Officialsnew
A compliance manager for the Internal Revenue Service pursued evidence in his daughter's case, then turned his energies toward making sure officials comply with Missouri's open-meetings and open-records laws.
The Pitch |
Kendrick Blackwood |
10-25-2005 |
Crime & Justice
Homicide Victims Need a Few Good Snitchesnew
There is so much violence and fear in youth culture that Kansas City, Mo., police have trouble getting even shooting victims to cooperate with criminal investigations.
The Pitch |
Nadia Pflaum |
10-04-2005 |
Crime & Justice
Suspect Charged in Murder of Rapper 'Fat Tone'new
A warrant that led to Jason Mathis's arrest supports the street rumor that Anthony "Fat Tone" Watkins was killed to avenge the death of California hip-hop artist Andre "Mac Dre" Hicks.
The Pitch |
Kendrick Blackwood |
10-04-2005 |
Crime & Justice
From High School Slut to Board of Education Anti-Evolutionistnew
In her tell-all autobiography, Connie Morris reveals that before she was an enemy of evolution, she was a black-haired siren -- frolicking in free love, drowning in drugs and enduring domestic violence before giving herself to Christ. But even Jesus couldn't tame her.
The Pitch |
Justin Kendall |
08-23-2005 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Ruling the Streetsnew
After the death of Kansas City rapper Fat Tone, violence erupted between street gangs and attention turned to the man Kansas City police say is the worst gangster in recent memory.
The Pitch |
Bryan Noonan |
08-09-2005 |
Crime & Justice
Oops, Some Fell for Paper's Hoaxnew
Some readers were convinced that Kansas City's new downtown arena would be redesigned as a memorial to Confederate war dead, but the bloggers figured it out.
Separating the Insane from the Fakers on Death Rownew
It isn't that hard for a state like Missouri to kill a retarded inmate -- not if it has a cooperative psychiatrist.
The Pitch |
Nadia Pflaum |
06-14-2005 |
Crime & Justice