AltWeeklies Wire
Josh Wink Is Huge in Europe. So Why Can't the Turntable Legend Get Love at Home?new
Twenty years after his first album, Wink has released his When A Banana Was Just A Banana LP and embarked on another extended European tour. But he's torn between the Philly he calls home and the continent that has catapulted him into another stratosphere on the international house music scene.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Christopher Wink |
04-13-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
A Philadelphia Lawyer Gives Up His Practice to Make Some Real Breadnew

The world of artisanal food production tends to attract dreamers, misfits and others just disinterested in following an unswerving path through life. It's as if it's almost a requirement.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Dan Packel |
04-13-2009 |
Steven Wells Is Still Dishing It Out. And He Can Still Take It. Can You?new
No wonder American music journalism sucks. We've raised a generation of mewling, puking brittle-boned pony hugging, mediocrity-loving music journalist milksops who don't wanna rip both rock and the English language a new asshole.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Steven Wells |
04-13-2009 |
Tags: commentary, music criticism
'Confessions of a Shopaholic'-aholicnew

Was Shopaholic a great movie? Nah. But it was everything a chick flick should be, meaning pink and sparkly as a glass of Rose Brut, and completely and offensively cliched.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Caralyn Green |
02-23-2009 |
J. Mascis Takes Off His Guitar and Sits Behind the Drums in Witchnew
Once you get Mascis talking about drumming, he grows (comparatively) animated. As renowned a guitarist as he's become, drums are his first and truest love.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Michael Alan Goldberg |
02-23-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
A Domestic Violence Refuge in Philadelphia Suffers a Big Hitnew
Last November, $296,268 reserved for Philadelphia's domestic violence shelter - 15 percent of its operating costs — was quietly carved out of the city budget, a cut that went mostly unnoticed in the midst of public outcry over libraries closing and a shortened Mummer’s parade.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
02-09-2009 |
Policy Issues
Floetry May Be Over, But the Floacist Goes Onnew
Sometimes you just have to face the music. You have to bite down and come to terms with the truth, no matter how painful or unbelievable it may be. Most recently I had to finally accept what I’ve been denying for a while now: Floetry has, indeed, broken up.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Craig D. Lindsey |
01-26-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Philadelphia Casino Debate Taxes Neighborly Relationsnew
In Philadephia's Fishtown neighborhood the battle between pro- and anti-casino neighbors was ugly from the start. The community battle over the casino has ballooned into accusations of secret alliances, online name-hurling, point-by-point chesslike sparring matches and even reports of physical intimidation.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
01-26-2009 |
Housing & Development
Better Off Led: Mockstars Are the New Rockstarsnew

Ironically, through performing the music of Led Zeppelin, almost-famous Paul Sinclair is closer than ever to grasping rock 'n' roll's elusive brass ring. He's gone from rockstar to mockstar and back again. And in this day and age at least, the difference is becoming more and more slight.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Brian McManus |
01-26-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: tribute bands, Get the Led Out
Family-Owned Farms Get Creative When Winter Comesnew
In the winter, the frenetic pace of summer and fall on a family-owned fruit farm winds down. Gone are the lengthy days of pruning and picking and the tiring drives from central Pennsylvania to Philly and back, bringing fruit to market.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Dan Packel |
01-13-2009 |
Can Jim MacMillan's iPhone Save Journalism?new
MacMillan, who left the Daily News in September after 17 years, has transformed himself into a one–man band of Philadelphia journalism.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Joel Mathis |
01-13-2009 |
Many Musicians Died This Year, but Not Nearly Enoughnew

The Western male now lives on average to about 78. Think about that. And then think of Phil Collins, Elvis Costello and Chris Martin -- and weep.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Steven Wells |
01-05-2009 |
'Courtroom Cowboy' is a Rich, Rewarding Readnew
Along with the court cases, Cipriano introduces us to Jim Beasely the man, a remarkable, evangelical trial lawyer who flew fighter jets, hunted big game and was so committed to work, he was unable to vacation, despite a love of fishing and owning a huge boat.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Liz Spikol |
01-05-2009 |
Forget That 'Happy Chanukah' Schlock ... Christmas is Where It's Atnew
Most folks seem to think Chanukah is the Jewish Christmas. It is not. Christmas is the Jewish Christmas.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Caralyn Green |
12-29-2008 |
Justice Is Curbed in the Peggy Reber Casenew
Will a conflict of interest keep a small town from reaching closure on a 40-year-old murder mystery?
Philadelphia Weekly |
Kevin Uhrich and Martha Shaak |
12-17-2008 |
Crime & Justice