AltWeeklies Wire
Small Town Strip Minenew

The small town of Dexter, Ore. is discovering the explosive consequences of inviting big timber to pay the bills.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
12-20-2010 |
DeFazio Blasts Tax Deal for Wealthy, Local Congressman Leads Revoltnew
Interview with Oregon Congressman Peter DeFazio who is leading the House revolt against the Obama/Republican deal giving tax breaks to the wealthy.
Eugene Weekly |
Alan Pittman |
12-20-2010 |
University of Oregon Privatization Plan to Increase Tuition?
Nike billionaire and University of Oregon mega donor Phil Knight says a UO restructuring plan is about "becoming more of a private university" where the president can "set his own tuition."
Eugene Weekly |
Alan Pittman |
12-16-2010 |
Did FBI Foil Its FBI Bomb Plot?
Did the FBI foil a teenager’s terrorist bomb plot at the Portland Christmas tree lighting last Friday, or did the federal agents who contacted, trained, funded, equipped and directed the teen to press the button on the bomb they built and placed for him simply foil their own sophisticated “bomb” plot and then hype it in the media?
Eugene Weekly |
Alan Pittman |
12-14-2010 |
Freshwater Fisticuffs: Warring For Water Rightsnew

Now that logging has slowed to a trickle, will there be water barons crawling out of the woodwork to exploit what might be Oregon’s most valuable resource in an era of climate change?
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
12-09-2010 |
The Public Option: It's Alive! Sort ofnew

Oregon could be the first state to resurrect the public option from the political grave where Americans thought it had been interred.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
09-23-2010 |
Policy Issues
Tags: HCR
Fighting Fossil Foolsnew

Winona LaDuke and the campaign to block the oil machines from hell.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
09-02-2010 |
Tags: Winona Laduke
Do Not Come to Downtown Eugene, Do Not Expect Rightsnew

For the past two years and change, downtown Eugene has been boxed in by an imaginary but supposedly legal zone of exclusion. This zone has been dubbed — in somewhat Orwellian fashion — the Downtown Public Safety Zone.
Eugene Weekly |
Rick Levin |
08-20-2010 |
Civil Liberties
Tags: DPSZ
Wingnut is as Wingnut Doesnew

The recent rise of the Tea Party could be a sign that we’ve hit peak wingnut. Or maybe a truer sign is the race for Oregon’s 4th District congressional seat, which has already been characterized by threats of chicken suits.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
08-12-2010 |
Tags: Tea Party, Art Robinson
Biomass: Is Its Bite Worth the Bark?new

It seems the word “biomass” is synonymous with burning trees in a plant, but the term is much broader than that. Biomass energy can come from more sources than just burning wood.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
07-22-2010 |
The Dispossessed: No home, No Money, Nowhere To Benew

It’s hard to say just how many homeless kids there are in Lane County, Oregon. It depends on how you define homeless, or on how the kids themselves define it.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
07-01-2010 |
Tags: Homeless, McKinney-Vento
Healing Haiti: Changing a Country From Withinnew

For more than 20 years, Jean André Victor worked as an agronomist in Haiti, tying to solve the riddle of how to fix centuries of environmental degradation and poverty.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
06-10-2010 |
Gas-Pipe Dreamsnew

Oil's not the only dirty, dangerous fossil fuel.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
05-27-2010 |
Tags: Liquified Natural Gas, LNG
Jump! Horses, Kids, Water and Ditches: What Could Go Wrong?new

I couldn’t help but wonder if this was a good idea: Jumping 1,200 pounds of horse at a gallop over logs, walls, ditches and various and sundry large solid objects seemed a bit suicidal. “Just keep your eyes up and go!” trainer and Olympic hopeful Karen O’Neal told me perkily as I got ready for my round. “Don’t look down. You’ll be fine.”
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
05-20-2010 |
Tags: Equestrians, Horses
Urban Assault: Bikes Get Wild in the Citynew

Urban free-riding is what happens when mountain biking meets BMX with a little parkour thrown in. The urban world of buildings, walls, steps, park benches and concrete obstacles is where urban free-riders perform their bike-based stunts.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
05-20-2010 |
Tags: urban bikes, urban freeride