AltWeeklies Wire
Breaking Developmentsnew
Our previously scheduled program, "The Duke Lacrosse Case: Did the Media Rush to Judgement?" is being pre-empted to bring you this instant analysis of the Virginia Tech tragedy.
Tags: cartoons
Ecological Anxiety Increases & Search for Radical Solutions Beginsnew

The books After Eden and Hope, Human and Wild, along with the film What a Way to Go lay out a blueprint for change.
INDY Week |
Marc Maximov |
04-19-2007 |
Tags: environment
In North Carolina, Insider Meetings Shape Energy Lawsnew
The Energy Issues Working Group, a "605" group with little public scrutiny, includes lobbyists of all stripes and state agency employees.
What of Those Who Can't Afford Expensive Defense Attorneys?new
When the Duke lacrosse case was over, the defendants thanked their families, who paid large legal bills, and wondered aloud: What happens if a prosecutor like Mike Nifong comes after you and you're not rich?
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
04-19-2007 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Apologies for Slavery Aren't Enoughnew
Prominent historian John Hope Franklin speaks out on the real work of ending discrimination.
INDY Week |
Olufunke Moses |
04-19-2007 |
Race & Class
Tags: race relations
A Fire Engine Rednecknew
The final, unfinished novel of the late, great Larry Brown.
Tags: A Miracle of Catfish, Larry Brown
Zork Asks ... About Electionsnew
"Your presidential election process is very confusing to us. Please explain how your 'Money Primary' works -- do the political parties choose their nominees based on how much money they can obtain? (We try to pick the best leader.)"
Smithfield's Messnew
There's an arc to the history of meatpacking in America.
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
04-12-2007 |
Minority Leaguesnew
How integration came to the South via minor league baseball.
INDY Week |
Adam Sobsey |
04-06-2007 |
Nice Guys Finishnew
Hunter MacDermut doesn't like to talk about the solo acoustic music he makes as The Tourist -- he just likes to play it.
INDY Week |
Ruth Eckles |
04-06-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: The Tourist
The Big Pig: Smithfield Packingnew
The world's largest hog processor wants to grow even larger -- will the problems it creates for farmers, workers and the environment grow with it?
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg and Bob Geary |
04-05-2007 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
The 'Meat' and 'Missile' Mannew
The renowned documentary filmmaker Frederick Wiseman is busier than ever.
INDY Week |
Douglas Vuncannon |
03-22-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Frederick Wiseman
Wine's Odd Men Outnew
Unusual red blends make fascinating drinking.
INDY Week |
Arturo Ciompi |
03-22-2007 |
North Carolina's Film Industry is Booming Againnew
Thanks to a new state incentives package, North Carolina is back in the film game.
Remembering Molly Ivinsnew
All of the fancy eulogies made a Texas-sized sendoff she richly deserved -- but her inimitable style and personality, magnified in a media culture that worships personality, sometimes obscured what was most important about Molly Ivins.
INDY Week |
Hal Crowther |
03-15-2007 |