AltWeeklies Wire

Breaking Developmentsnew

Our previously scheduled program, "The Duke Lacrosse Case: Did the Media Rush to Judgement?" is being pre-empted to bring you this instant analysis of the Virginia Tech tragedy.
INDY Week  |  V.C. Rogers  |  04-19-2007  |  Cartoons

Ecological Anxiety Increases & Search for Radical Solutions Beginsnew

The books After Eden and Hope, Human and Wild, along with the film What a Way to Go lay out a blueprint for change.
INDY Week  |  Marc Maximov  |  04-19-2007  |  Environment

In North Carolina, Insider Meetings Shape Energy Lawsnew

The Energy Issues Working Group, a "605" group with little public scrutiny, includes lobbyists of all stripes and state agency employees.
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg  |  04-19-2007  |  Politics

What of Those Who Can't Afford Expensive Defense Attorneys?new

When the Duke lacrosse case was over, the defendants thanked their families, who paid large legal bills, and wondered aloud: What happens if a prosecutor like Mike Nifong comes after you and you're not rich?
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  04-19-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Apologies for Slavery Aren't Enoughnew

Prominent historian John Hope Franklin speaks out on the real work of ending discrimination.
INDY Week  |  Olufunke Moses  |  04-19-2007  |  Race & Class

A Fire Engine Rednecknew

The final, unfinished novel of the late, great Larry Brown.
INDY Week  |  Adam Sobsey  |  04-12-2007  |  Fiction

Zork Asks ... About Electionsnew

"Your presidential election process is very confusing to us. Please explain how your 'Money Primary' works -- do the political parties choose their nominees based on how much money they can obtain? (We try to pick the best leader.)"
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  04-12-2007  |  Comedy

Smithfield's Messnew

There's an arc to the history of meatpacking in America.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  04-12-2007  |  Commentary

Minority Leaguesnew

How integration came to the South via minor league baseball.
INDY Week  |  Adam Sobsey  |  04-06-2007  |  Nonfiction

Nice Guys Finishnew

Hunter MacDermut doesn't like to talk about the solo acoustic music he makes as The Tourist -- he just likes to play it.
INDY Week  |  Ruth Eckles  |  04-06-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Big Pig: Smithfield Packingnew

The world's largest hog processor wants to grow even larger -- will the problems it creates for farmers, workers and the environment grow with it?
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg and Bob Geary  |  04-05-2007  |  Business & Labor

The 'Meat' and 'Missile' Mannew

The renowned documentary filmmaker Frederick Wiseman is busier than ever.
INDY Week  |  Douglas Vuncannon  |  03-22-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Wine's Odd Men Outnew

Unusual red blends make fascinating drinking.
INDY Week  |  Arturo Ciompi  |  03-22-2007  |  Food+Drink

North Carolina's Film Industry is Booming Againnew

Thanks to a new state incentives package, North Carolina is back in the film game.
INDY Week  |  Fiona Morgan  |  03-22-2007  |  Movies

Remembering Molly Ivinsnew

All of the fancy eulogies made a Texas-sized sendoff she richly deserved -- but her inimitable style and personality, magnified in a media culture that worships personality, sometimes obscured what was most important about Molly Ivins.
INDY Week  |  Hal Crowther  |  03-15-2007  |  Commentary

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