AltWeeklies Wire
English is Deadnew
My glee in the destruction of my own spoken language isn't entirely inspired by knowing language history.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Annalee Newitz |
04-02-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Hack to the Futurenew

Philly's new "hacker studio" is part of a global trend combining technology and art.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Rick Valenzuela |
04-01-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Keeping the Web Free Will Keep Us Freenew
If passed, the Internet Freedom Preservation Act of 2008 (HR 5353), would take steps toward protecting net neutrality -- the principle that web content should be equally available, independent of any fee system and regardless of its political content.
Philadelphia City Paper |
Mary Wilson |
04-01-2008 |
Comcast Can't Buy Lovenew
The FCC is holding a second public hearing on network neutrality at Stanford as it investigates Comcast's custom of choking or blocking certain content over its network. Comcast says it's all in the name of smart business, but opponents say the company's trying to cripple competitors.
Weekly Alibi |
Marisa Demarco |
04-01-2008 |
When Printers Go Star Treknew
Next-generation copiers replicate in 3-D, no goofy glasses required.
NOW Magazine |
Joseph Wilson |
03-28-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Want 2 Connect?new
MocoSpace lets you find friends online -- using your cellphone.
Seven Days |
Cathy Resmer |
03-28-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Nerds on a Wirenew
Vermont Infragard is watching our backs in the war on cyber-crime. Who's watching them?
Seven Days |
Brian Wallstin |
03-28-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Color Wars Onlinenew
Why divide a gregarious social space into meaningless factions?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Annalee Newitz |
03-26-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Mocking Internet Inanitynew
Geeky Forumwarz game satirizes web culture.
NOW Magazine |
David Silverberg |
03-21-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Yes, Wii Cannew

I'm not to blame for being lazy ... technology just made it too easy.
Fairfield County Weekly |
Erin Lynch |
03-19-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
And the Leaks Go Onnew
A federal court judge says prior Wikileaks ruling was unconstitutional.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Megan Ma |
03-12-2008 |
Tags: WikiLeaks, computers & technology
Greenback Student Unew
New environmental website targets college market.
Baltimore City Paper |
Van Smith |
03-11-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Portland's WiFi Cloud Headed Toward Evaporationnew
In the summer of 2006, the city partnered with Silicon Valley start-up MetroFi and launched a free wireless internet service. The WiFi network was supposed to cover 95 percent of the city by August of 2008. The problem is, the project is all but dead.
The Portland Mercury |
Jonathan Shapiro |
03-06-2008 |
Tags: WiFi, computers & technology
Your Computer is Doomednew
In the future, your infamy will not be remembered. Is that comforting?
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
Annalee Newitz |
03-05-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Netizens for Naturenew
Track your bad behavior with online carbon watchers.
NOW Magazine |
David Silverberg |
03-03-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology