AltWeeklies Wire Has Finally Been Housebrokennew

Movie recommendation site has drastically improved in the last few weeks. A team of dedicated and intelligent people are clearly working hard on getting the site to where it needs to be, and the difference is quite dramatic. New features have been introduced, old features work better and the site has become fun to use.
Fast Forward Weekly |
John Tebbutt |
04-02-2009 |
Tags:, videos & DVDs
The Touching Story of Three Brothers and Their Hermaphroditic Bird-Monsternew

Where most games endlessly crib the best bits of Aliens, Michael Bay films and the U.S. constitution's second amendment, Zeno Clash's art director and writer, Edmundo Bordeu, cites Frank Oz, Terry Gilliam, Hieronymous Bosch and John Blanche as his stylistic influences.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Kyle Francis |
04-02-2009 |
Video Games
The Decemberists Get Even More Ambitiousnew
The Decemberists' fifth full-length release is an intricate story about a forbidden romance, a meddling queen and a shape-shifting spectre.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Nathan Atnikov |
04-02-2009 |
Will Argentina's Favorite Grape Go the Way of Merlot?new

Malbec is the darling of the wine world, and it's left the competition choking on its dust. While super-hot wine trends tend to get swallowed up by the pack, Malbec's many strengths make me believe it can be more than just the flavor of the week.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Kevin McLean |
04-02-2009 |
A Canadian Aboriginal Magazine Tackles Issues with Positive Messagesnew
New Tribe's upbeat mandate is a hit with youth.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Trevor Scott Howell |
04-02-2009 |
Doc Finds the Flaws in North America's Approach to Intellectual Propertynew

A new "open source" documentary is a look at the battle between copyright and "copyleft."
Fast Forward Weekly |
Lindsay Bowman |
03-19-2009 |
'I Love You, Man,' But This Movie Sucksnew

The cliched plot and forced comedy of I Love You, Man are better suited to Dane Cook.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Alan Cho |
03-19-2009 |
'Pontypool' Director Bruce McDonald Throws His Hat Into the Horror Worldnew

Bruce McDonald has been a fixture on the Canadian indie film scene since the 1989 Toronto International Film Festival. Pontypool is frightening, funny and probably the best thing McDonald's ever done.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Peter Hemminger |
03-19-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Will Oldham Doesn't Just Cross Borders, He Transcends Themnew

Will Oldham, a.k.a. Bonnie "Prince" Billy, is the type of artist who simply doesn't come from any one locale or belong to any one time.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Mark Hamilton |
03-19-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Philosophy Salon Sets Up in Calgary Homeless Shelternew

A philosophy salon in a Calgary homeless shelter is battling the stereotype that the homeless are uneducated.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jocelyn Edwards |
03-19-2009 |
Housing & Development
Bush's Pasta Overshadows Torture Revelationsnew

A Red Cross report detailing prison abuse was released the day before George W. Bush's first post-presidency speaking engagement.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeremy Klaszus |
03-19-2009 |
Canada Should Bar or Prosecute George W Bush: Lawyernew

As George W. Bush’s St. Patrick’s Day visit to Calgary draws near, the federal government is facing pressure from activists and human rights lawyers to bar the former U.S. president from the country or prosecute him for war crimes and crimes against humanity once he steps on Canadian soil.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeremy Klaszus |
03-05-2009 |
Extreme Kayakers Take on 'Machiavellian' Legislationnew

Mikkel St. Jean-Duncan and his friends in the Endangered Creeks Expedition have challenged developers' definition of "navigable waters" with their own, rather liberal, interpretation in a new self-titled documentary.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Rita Cant |
02-19-2009 |
'Welcome' to a Quaint Comedynew

From an outsider's perspective, Welcome to the Sticks is a straightforward fish-out-of-water comedy, but something in this warm French comedy captured the national imagination. A third of the country went to see it in theaters, unseating Titanic as the top-grossing film ever released in France.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Peter Hemminger |
02-19-2009 |
'Christian Activist' Targets Prof, Police Investigatenew
Calgary police are investigating a self-described "Christian activist" who's been distributing flyers showing a local university professor's face superimposed on a graphic sexual photo.
Fast Forward Weekly |
Jeremy Klaszus |
02-19-2009 |
Civil Liberties