AltWeeklies Wire

Foreclosure May Hurt Children the Mostnew

"When foreclosures force children from their homes, their education is disrupted, their peer relationships crumble, and the social networks that support them are fractured," according to a recent study by First Focus. "Indeed, their physical health, as well as their emotional health and well-being, is placed at risk." Tiffany Rodriguez, a North Philly 14-year-old, would have to agree.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tasneem Paghdiwala  |  05-27-2008  |  Housing & Development

Is Bad Journalism to Blame for Marijuana Prohibition?new

Drugs are dangerous. Drugs ruin people's lives. Drugs can kill. But that doesn't mean they always do. The truth is, most people who use drugs -- both legal and illegal -- do so responsibly and without any noticeable detrimental effect. But that's just not a good story.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Daniel McQuade  |  05-19-2008  |  Drugs

Iraq Veterans Against the War Heads to D.C. to Testify Against the Warnew

The D.C. trip is IVAW's latest action in its Winter Soldier campaign, which began just more than a month ago when the group’s members gathered in Maryland to present their personal experiences to the world via satellite and streaming video on the internet, which reached more than 30,000 viewers on each day of the conference.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  St. John Barned-Smith  |  05-19-2008  |  War

Was Peggy Reber Pregnant When She Was Murdered?new

Forty years after her death, Lebanon's DA exhumes the body of the slain 14-year-old.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kevin Uhrich and Martha Shaak  |  05-07-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Barney Frank's Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Shouldn't be Controversialnew

It's been more than 36 years since a national commission appointed by President Richard Nixon recommended the decriminalization of up to 100 grams of marijuana for personal use, but no bill has been introduced in Congress to decriminalize marijuana since 1984; the Shafer Commission's recommendations remain ignored. Until two weeks ago.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Daniel McQuade  |  05-05-2008  |  Drugs

Going Green? Better Look Past the Labelnew

Marketers know all about your kind -- they know you feel guilty about your consumption, and they're here to take your money. Don't trust them. They "greenwash," and it's a serious problem.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Alli Katz  |  04-22-2008  |  Environment

Don't Look to Obama or Clinton for Progressive Drug Reformnew

Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have far superior drug policy plans than Republican nominee John McCain, who claimed to not even know that many federal raids on state-approved medical marijuana patients have taken place. But neither is the reformer this nation's drug policy needs.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Daniel McQuade  |  04-22-2008  |  Drugs

We Have Been Blessednew

AltWeeklies Award - Photography
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Jeff Fusco  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

"We Have a 2-Year-Old Daughter," "If You Get Shot, We'll Show Up," "Do We Not Bleed?"new

AltWeeklies Award - News Story (1500 words or less)
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Steve Volk  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

"Targeting the Market," "A Snitch in Time," and "Moving Target"new

AltWeeklies Award - News Story (1500 words or less)
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kia Gregory  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

"Christmas Bush"new

AltWeeklies Award - Illustration
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tim Gough  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

"Snowman Robot"new

AltWeeklies Award - Illustration
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Justin DeGarmo  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

"'Round About": "Faheem, We're Sorry," "Ghetto Fiction," "Blown Hopes"new

AltWeeklies Award - Column
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kia Gregory  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

The Dubliner: "Are Ye About?," "Twilight's Slow Burn," "Defacing Castles"new

AltWeeklies Award - Column
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Katie Haegele  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

Two Young Filmmakers Document Philly's Crime Epidemicnew

"By the Numbers," a new public service announcement by filmmakers Alec Sutherland and Todd DosSantos and a local organization called the Anti-Violence Partnership, is just a minute long, but it's well worth watching.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tasneem Paghdiwala  |  04-14-2008  |  Crime & Justice

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