AltWeeklies Wire
Come All Ye Faithful: Church and State Intersect on Day 1 of the DNCnew

For those who believe in the separation of church and state, an interfaith service might seem like a jarring way to kick off the Democrats' quadrennial assembly. But party leaders have been deliberately trying to snag the religious high ground from the GOP, and they believe the time is right.
John McCain, the U.S. and the Latest Russian Crisisnew
If Randy Scheunemann's Georgian connections provide even a scintilla of influence over a potential President McCain's decision on whether we go to war on that country's behalf, that is the very antithesis of democracy. But how many Americans are aware of any of this, as the news gulls continue regurgitating the myth of McCain as the strong and forthright policy expert?
INDY Week |
Derek Jennings |
08-21-2008 |
John Edwards, the Gamblernew
When John Edwards finally confirmed that he had stepped out on his wife, initially I was disappointed, but not surprised. Power + overblown ego = misguided sense of invincibility & lack of caring for others. As for Elizabeth Edwards, I thought, Jesus, hasn't she been through enough.
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg |
08-14-2008 |
White Denial: Obama, Race and America's Selective Memorynew

Obama's election would be a stunning step forward. John McCain's election would be a stunning step backward, at a time when America can ill afford another false step. What's wrong with Obama? Not much that I can see, not compared to what's wrong with you if you think his election is a threatening proposition.
INDY Week |
Hal Crowther |
07-31-2008 |
This Week's Rejected New Yorker Coversnew
A political cartoon spoofing the New Yorker cover flap.
INDY Week |
V.C. Rogers |
07-17-2008 |
Election '08: The McHelms Campaignnew

If you thought a "McBush" presidency was frightening, look at the connections between John McCain and Jesse Helms. A McHelms administration? Get thee to the passport office.
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg |
07-17-2008 |
History Will Not Absolve Jesse Helmsnew
Those who fought for progressive causes during the 40 years or so of Helms' public life have their own recollections of him. While some nod their heads in respect for his passing, they also mourn the impact of his political influence on the state, the nation and the world. We offer their voices, here, as a counterpoint and a remembrance.
Elizabeth Dole Sides with Oil Industry on Key Votesnew
The North Carolina Senator, who is up for reelection this year, joined fellow Republicans in blocking Democratic measures, including one that would have repealed $17 billion in oil industry tax breaks over the next 10 years.
Trial Pits Greens and Libertarians Against North Carolinanew
The timing couldn't have been more ironic if a Hollywood screenwriter had penned the script: One day before the May 6 primary election, the Green and Libertarian parties sparred with the state in court over onerous requirements to appear on North Carolina's ballot.
The New Guard of Black Democratsnew

Barack Obama's success is a tremendous boon to young black leaders, North Carolina State Rep. Ty Harrell Harrell says. But many more, and even younger, ones are needed too. "The next generation of leaders is what I'm about, and hopefully I'm a springboard for others."
Our Top 10 Reasons to Endorse Barack Obamanew
Plus, endorsements for North Carolina's Congressional races.
INDY Week |
Staff |
04-24-2008 |
Obama Was Right: On Being Bitter in the Sticksnew
You could have just fallen off the turnip truck and still know the core of Obama's argument rang true: Many small-town voters feel embittered and frustrated by a government that largely ignores them.
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg |
04-17-2008 |
One Nation, Under Guns: How America Has Gone Madnew

American guns now outnumber Americans, and increase the gap by killing 30,000 of us every year.
INDY Week |
Hal Crowther |
04-17-2008 |
Diluting Special Interest Funding in N.C. Campaignsnew
Public financing is catching on in North Carolina slowly but surely, as voters realize the price they're paying if campaigns are financed by the wealthy and special-interest donors.
Do-It-Yourself Obamanew

Barack Obama's North Carolina supporters -- and entrepreneurs -- have taken to making their own merchandise and signs to capitalize on the fervor.