AltWeeklies Wire

Birds Banquet: A Tour Diarynew

Birds of Avalon took Raleigh to the road last year.
INDY Week  |  David Mueller  |  01-24-2008  |  Music

'No Easy Victories' Documents Struggles for African Liberationnew

The book is a veritable encyclopedia of the triumphs and tragedies of the international movements for African liberation that attracted Americans from the civil rights, feminist and antiwar movements throughout the 1960s and '70s and made its biggest impact in the ultimately successful anti-apartheid movement of the 1970s and '80s.
INDY Week  |  Gerry Canavan  |  01-24-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Judges to Say if North Carolina Primary Can Go On As Schedulednew

A lawsuit filed by former State Board of Elections chairman Bob Hunter, former state Rep. Frank Mitchell and former state Sen. Robert Rucho seeks to delay the primary so that the courts or the legislature can redraw North Carolina's legislative district boundaries.
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg  |  01-24-2008  |  Politics

Is South Carolina John Edwards' Last Stand?new

After a poor showing in the Nevada caucus, Edwards limps into this Saturday's South Carolina primary, where polls show him running in the teens, far behind front-runners Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. He's in danger of falling below 15 percent there too -- in his native state. But it's not likely he'll quit the race.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  01-24-2008  |  Commentary

Duke Performances Presents Dr. Lonnie Smith, Among Othersnew

Aaron Greenwald, director of Duke University's Duke Performances, is talking soul music, and he wants the rest of us to do the same.
INDY Week  |  Rick Cornell  |  01-17-2008  |  Concerts

Sci-Fi Set in ... North Carolina?new

North Carolina is better known for tales of ghosts in the hills than fairies and magic, but that didn't stop Warren Rochelle.
INDY Week  |  Zack Smith  |  01-17-2008  |  Fiction

What is Judge Richard Chaney Hiding?new

For years, the Durham District Court Judge has mentored troubled teens, but his conduct has raised concerns.
INDY Week  |  Mosi Secret  |  01-17-2008  |  Children & Families

Durham County Bans Panhandlingnew

Apparently, banning panhandling is easier than allocating sufficient social services funds and developing compassionate public policy to help and treat people who seek handouts on the street.
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg  |  01-17-2008  |  Commentary

A Trifecta of Discoveriesnew

What better theme for the new year than novelties -- wines I've learned about only during the last moments of 2007?
INDY Week  |  Arturo Ciompi  |  01-10-2008  |  Food+Drink

Transistor Sun Winks as it Nodsnew

After all, Transistor Sun is about celebrating old habits -- loving, starting over, having fun, playing rock that splices from Cheap Trick, Guided by Voices and KISS -- all over again.
INDY Week  |  Grayson Currin  |  01-10-2008  |  Reviews

Sleepsound's Radio Readynew

Sleepsound's pleas recall the grandeur of a low-budget Snow Patrol or The Fray and the empathy invitation of a Nada Surf chorus.
INDY Week  |  Grayson Currin  |  01-10-2008  |  Reviews

Peters Holsapple and Lang Talk Inspirationnew

On Broad Street Cafe's stage Saturday night, Peter Holsapple and Peter Lang could not have been more different.
INDY Week  |  Grayson Currin  |  01-10-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Geraldine Brooks' Thrilling Yarn of Biblical Scholarshipnew

Her historical fiction, inspired by a recent real-life discovery, makes a speculative journey with the embattled Haggadah all the way back to its imagined creation in medieval Spain.
INDY Week  |  Adam Sobsey  |  01-10-2008  |  Fiction

Spring Awakeningnew

Burning Coal Theatre's new home in Raleigh's historic Murphey School brings the city landmark to life again.
INDY Week  |  David Fellerath  |  01-10-2008  |  Theater

Ghost in the Voting Machinenew

With one caucus and a primary behind us, we think we know what wild cards could influence the 2008 elections: the unaffiliated, undecideds and under-30s. Yet, there is another unknown: the voting machines.
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg  |  01-10-2008  |  Commentary

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