AltWeeklies Wire

America's Nightmare and Obama's Appealnew

It is hard to imagine, but the winner of November's contest is going to assume leadership of a nation that is worse off than it is today. Things are going to get worse before they get better. And if McCain is elected, they could get unimaginably worse.
Boston Phoenix  |  Editorial  |  10-09-2008  |  Commentary

What Did Gwen Ifill Do Wrong?new

As the candidates prep for the final debate, it's a fitting time to ask: why do some journalistic conflicts of interest become scandals, while others get almost no attention at all?
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  10-09-2008  |  Commentary

McCain Heads for the Icebergsnew

Did the week that gave us the Wall Street meltdown witness a second collapse -- the self-destruction of the John McCain candidacy?
Boston Phoenix  |  Steven Stark  |  10-02-2008  |  Commentary

Revisiting the Rethuglican National Conventionnew

Minnesota is known as the Gopher State, but for one terrifying, riot-gear-and-grenade-filled week it was a police state.
Boston Phoenix  |  Anne Elizabeth Moore  |  10-02-2008  |  Politics

Readers Text in Votes for Sarah Palin's Next Baby Namenew

Gwyneth had Apple. Posh had Brooklyn. And moose-killing miracle mom Sarah Palin beat them all with Trig Paxson Van Palin.
Boston Phoenix  |  Lance Gould  |  09-23-2008  |  Commentary

Wall Street Meets the Presidential Campaignsnew

Wall Street's meltdown is more dangerous than realized. McCain is clueless, but does Obama recognize the root of the problem?
Boston Phoenix  |  Editorial  |  09-18-2008  |  Commentary

Curt Schilling is Shilling for McCainnew

Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling is back on the campaign trail, and this time he has more than just religion and ideology invested. Will the sidelined ace have enough clout to get voters swinging?
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Faraone  |  09-18-2008  |  Commentary

New Hampshire is Up for Grabs in Novembernew

There is no big secret to the gush of interest in the Granite State, which has affixed itself to the short list of presidential battlegrounds.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  09-18-2008  |  Commentary

Pregnancy Is the New Blacknew

While celebrity stalkers delight in Hollywood babies, Beltway pundits are parsing and spinning the latest wave of ovarian escapades. Have girls really gone wild?
Boston Phoenix  |  Kara Baskin  |  09-11-2008  |  Commentary

McCain's War on Media Could Cost Him in Novembernew

The RNC featured McCain's formal, foolhardy declaration of war on the press -- the same press, by the way, that made him a political superstar. Now the press seems inclined to fire back.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  09-11-2008  |  Commentary

Exploring the Now-Famous Hockey-Mom Analogynew

Unless you'd like to see what the sinew and tissue inside your shoulder socket look like while you're being called a goddamned son of a bitch assface, you assface, never come between an Alaskan hockey mom and her kids.
Boston Phoenix  |  Sara Faith Alterman  |  09-11-2008  |  Commentary

Alaskan Indie Rockers on Palin: WTF?!new

The Boston Phoenix reached out to some prominent indie rockers from Wasilla, Alaska, for wisdom on vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin's sexy brand of promiscuous and vengeful conservatism.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Faraone  |  09-09-2008  |  Commentary

The Enthusiasm Gap at the Conventionsnew

This election, with Obama having stoked pennant fever in Denver, it is the Dems who have cornered the excitement market.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  09-04-2008  |  Commentary

The 2008 Campaign Turns into 'American Idol'new

The search for undiscovered electoral talent has led the Democratic Party to nominate Barack Obama, its least-experienced candidate in memory. And this past week, the Republicans trumped that exponentially by elevating Sarah Palin from the relative depths of political obscurity to the nation’s center stage.
Boston Phoenix  |  Steven Stark  |  09-04-2008  |  Commentary

Romney Addresses Massachusetts Delegates at RNCnew

Maybe, deep down, the former Massachusetts governor rages at the injustice of being passed over for VP. But rather than retreating to Belmont to lick his wounds, Romney is doing his darndest to get McCain and Sarah Palin elected.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  09-04-2008  |  Politics

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