AltWeeklies Wire
The Minus Touchnew
A study of touch-screen voting in Snohomish County, Wash., suggests that machines favored the Republican candidate for governor. But there's no way to prove it.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
01-26-2005 |
Tough Love for the Artsnew
The arts are a business like any other. It's time to rethink how they're funded, and whether taxpayers should be on the hook for artistic ambitions gone wrong.
Seattle Weekly |
Roger Downey |
01-19-2005 |
Abie Babynew
Don't ever call anyone gay. Look at the trouble it got C.A. Tripp into. The author of the The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln died in 2003 and now has to lie in the cold, cold ground while fellow historians kick at his dirt. Tripp claims in his book that Honest Abe was honestly a poofter.
Seattle Weekly |
Steve Wiecking |
01-19-2005 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
No Bad Deed Goes Unrewardednew
The Bush administration has done it again, nominating to a high position yet another key player in the War on Terror.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
01-19-2005 |
Washington State's Revote Revoltnew
Washington Republicans want to toss out the 129-vote hand-recount victory of Democratic Gov. Christine Gregoire and hold a whole new election between her and her Nov. 2 opponents, Republican Dino Rossi and Libertarian Ruth Bennett. The idea is as wacky as the Washington electoral system.
Seattle Weekly |
George Howland Jr. |
01-12-2005 |
A Guide to Washington Governorsnew
Washington is about to have a new chief executive—call her the Cinderella Governor. This week, she's taking the oath of office; next week, a court order could turn her into a pumpkin. To put things in perspective, here's a summary of each of six previous governors.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
01-12-2005 |
What the Big Boys Wantnew
As the Legislature convenes, Washington state's billionaires and corporate lobbyists want taxpayers to give generously—again.
Seattle Weekly |
Rick Anderson |
01-12-2005 |
Donkey Kongnew
For now, at least, Democrats control Washington state's executive and legislative branches. But the challenges facing lawmakers will severely test their ability to govern.
Seattle Weekly |
George Howland Jr. |
01-12-2005 |
Seattle PBS Channel Is Back in the Blacknew
Nearly insolvent two years ago, KCTS-TV raised more money in December than any public station in the country.
Seattle Weekly |
Nina Shapiro |
01-12-2005 |
Tags: TV
Quality Wine Comes In a Boxnew
You can find Tindindi wine at Northwest Costco stores. The chardonnay is fresh, juicy, round, dry and acidic enough to be voluptuously food-friendly while genteel enough for drinking on its own. The cabernet sauvignon is a marvel.
Seattle Weekly |
Roger Downey |
01-12-2005 |
Here Come the Copsnew
One of Seattle's fastest-rising rock bands Go Wrong in all the right ways.
Seattle Weekly |
Michaelangelo Matos |
01-12-2005 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: The Cops, Why Kids Go Wrong
The Most Overhyped and Underreported Stories of 2004new
Ronald Reagan's death and the improvement of the economy were among the overhyped stories, while global warming and the use of torture in federal and state prisons went underreported.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
01-05-2005 |
Inside the Washington State Recountnew

A ballot-counter tells all about the gubernatorial hand recount that Democrat Christine Gregoire won by 129 votes out of 2.8 million. Guess what? It wasn't the Democrats who tried to game the system.
Seattle Weekly |
Karyn Quinlan |
01-05-2005 |
Gov. Damaged Goodsnew
One thing we know about Washington Gov.-elect Christine Gregoire from her years as state attorney general: She's a fighter. But to succeed as governor, Gregoire will have to be more than just another dogged attorney. For one thing, she's going to have to tell the truth.
Seattle Weekly |
Knute Berger |
01-05-2005 |
Unnatural Disastersnew
The aftermath of the Dec. 26 earthquake and tsunami is a classic example of how humans can worsen natural disasters.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
01-05-2005 |
Tags: international