AltWeeklies Wire

Is Workplace Daycare a Workable Solution?new

For 30 years in Canada, advocates have lobbied for a federal child-care system funded by taxpayers to address the drought of quality spaces. The lobby hasn't been successful.
The Georgia Straight  |  Pieta Woolley  |  12-17-2007  |  Children & Families

Gangland Recruits: Why Vancouver Kids Fall Preynew

Jagdeep Mangat, a former gang member, says policymakers must address positive inducements that lead young people to join criminal organizations.
The Georgia Straight  |  Carlito Pablo  |  12-17-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Diabetes Ravages Native Populationnew

According to the Canadian Diabetes Association, more than two million Canadians have diabetes, and by 2010 the disease will cost taxpayers an estimated $15.6 billion every year. Health Canada says Native Canadians are three to five times more likely than the general population to develop Type 2 diabetes.
The Georgia Straight  |  Travis Lupick  |  12-10-2007  |  Science

Petro-Giants Will Accept a Carbon Taxnew

Canada's oil industry explicitly backs the introduction of a carbon tax as the best way to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.
The Georgia Straight  |  Matthew Burrows  |  12-10-2007  |  Environment

EcoDensity Won't Cut House Pricesnew

EcoDensity has been billed as supplying more housing through densification–laneway homes, condos on top of stores, rezoning sprawling house-oriented neighborhoods to accommodate low-rise apartments–and prices would drop into the affordable zone.
The Georgia Straight  |  Pieta Woolley  |  11-30-2007  |  Housing & Development

The Drive for Clean Energy Sparks a British Columbia Gold Rushnew

No longer just an issue pushed by environmentalists, clean energy is becoming a money-making business.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jeannine Mitchell  |  11-30-2007  |  Environment

Documenting Proof of Darwin's Natural Selectionnew

While Darwin explained how the "natural" world worked in theory, no one had been able to fully and methodically document and describe having actually seen it work that way in practice. Until Peter and Rosemary Grant came along, that is.
The Georgia Straight  |  Terry Glavin  |  11-19-2007  |  Science

Amino Acids May Help Treat Drug Addictionnew

Jay Dodd was travelling through Thailand in 2002 when he took the wrong drugs and died. Five years later, Dodd's mother has nearly completed the journey that began with her son's untimely death.
The Georgia Straight  |  Travis Lupick  |  11-19-2007  |  Science

Activists Team Up Against Mining Giant Goldcorp

A Vancouver Anglican priest and a Mexican-born photojournalist are claiming that the Vancouver-based mining company is "up to no good" in Guatemala.
The Georgia Straight  |  Matthew Burrows  |  11-12-2007  |  Business & Labor

Parkinson's Controllednew

Learning to live with electrodes in your head.
The Georgia Straight  |  Rex Moore  |  11-12-2007  |  Science

Has 'Moneyed Elite' Kept Pols From Tackling Peak Oil?new

That's professor Bill Rees' take; he says that politicians should be "running for shelter" following the October 23 release of a report on peak oil by Germany-based Energy Watch Group.
The Georgia Straight  |  Matthew Burrows  |  11-02-2007  |  Environment

What to Do When Your Tattoo's Appeal Fadesnew

"The amount of regret we see is amazing," says Dr. Sachit Shah as he's about to perform a tattoo removal at Surrey's Beautiful Canadian Laser and Skincare Clinic.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jon Azpiri  |  11-02-2007  |  Science

GM's Hybrid is Sensible and Affordablenew

With rather sedate acceleration, the Saturn Aura Greenline isn't a lively car, but it's nicely styled, well balanced, and driveable.
The Georgia Straight  |  Ted Laturnus  |  10-29-2007  |  Transportation

The Quest for the Ultimate Cure for Addictionnew

Ibogaine has been lauded as a miracle cure for addiction to cocaine, crack, heroin, and more.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alex Roslin  |  10-29-2007  |  Science

Vancouver's Private Policenew

With the Olympics coming and growing homelessness, the security industry is thriving, but what does that mean for the rest of us?
The Georgia Straight  |  Travis Lupick  |  10-22-2007  |  Crime & Justice

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