AltWeeklies Wire

Let's Make a Deal: Coalition Governments May Be Canada's Futurenew

Coalition has become a dirty word in Canadian politics, but they may actually be more democratic than the mess we have now.
VUE Weekly  |  Samantha Power  |  04-28-2011  |  Elections

Closed Door Policy: Conservative Policies Close Canada's Bordersnew

While Conservatives have spent the last five years in power publicly trying to build up their "ethnic vote," the party has also been responsible for closing Canada's doors to immigrants and refugees.
VUE Weekly  |  Samantha Power  |  04-25-2011  |  Immigration

From Foot to Plate: Foraging While Trekking Adds a Taste of the Wildnew

There are plenty of plants you can eat while out hiking, you just need to know how to identify them.
VUE Weekly  |  Bobbi Barbarich  |  04-21-2011  |  Food+Drink

U.S. Opinion Leaders Emphasize Importance of Tar Sands Reviewnew

Premier Ed Stelmach is incensed that Barack Obama won't swallow his pro-oil industry and anti-environment rhetoric when it comes to Aberta's tar sands.
VUE Weekly  |  Ricardo Acuna  |  04-20-2011  |  Environment

Destroyer’s Möbius Jukebox: Dan Bejar's Infinite Twist of Listening and Creationnew

Describing Destroyer is a Sisyphean task, challenging and futile. Even if one manages to gruntingly roll a boulder of labels up the mountain, a new Destroyer record waits at the crown to kick it away, sending it bouncing down the slope to collapse in a pile of rubble and good intentions. Besides, what use is an accounting of elements without knowing the force that binds them?
VUE Weekly  |  Mary Christa O'Keefe  |  04-15-2011  |  Profiles & Interviews

Holding Politicians to Account in an Internet Agenew

The great temptation to use a medium like Twitter when one is annoyed can be more dangerous than beneficial for politicians in the long run.
VUE Weekly  |  Mimi Williams  |  03-18-2011  |  Commentary

C-C-Cultural C-C-Climatenew

How Edmonton's artists create in and about the freezing temperatures.
VUE Weekly  |  Bryan Birtles  |  01-14-2011  |  Commentary

Following the Dollarsnew

Questioning who benefits when oil companies invest research dollars in universities.
VUE Weekly  |  Cam Fenton  |  01-14-2011  |  Education

Chile’s Renewed Resistancenew

September 11 marked the 37th anniversary of the bloody coup in Chile that ushered into power one of the most brutal dictatorships the world has ever seen.
VUE Weekly  |  Ricardo Acuña  |  09-14-2010  |  International

The Science of Sexualitynew

Evolution is what's making you feel funny.
VUE Weekly  |  Lewis Kelly  |  09-10-2010  |  Sex

Failure to Enforcenew

The Alberta government fails to enforce its own laws on toxic tailings ponds and the tar sands.
VUE Weekly  |  Mimi Williams  |  09-02-2010  |  Environment

Defeating Extinctionnew

Efforts must increase to save aboriginal languages.
VUE Weekly  |  Samantha Power  |  08-24-2010  |  Education

Two Ways of Knowingnew

Encouraging aboriginal learners requires new ways in old systems.
VUE Weekly  |  Mimi Williams  |  08-24-2010  |  Education

Charting the Emergence of Canada's Religious Rightnew

Marci McDonald's recent book, The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada, documents the emergence of Canada's religious right, distinct from the States-side version despite links.
VUE Weekly  |  Mary Christa O'Keefe  |  08-24-2010  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Peace Out, Horns Upnew

Metal and folk on the musical fringes.
VUE Weekly  |  Tom Murray  |  08-06-2010  |  Profiles & Interviews

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