AltWeeklies Wire
Roberts the Eldernew
John Roberts has an understated personality, but he could become a live torpedo in a harbor crowded with 5-4 doctrines.
The Village Voice |
Jonathan Turley |
09-14-2005 |
Making Bush the Issuenew
Throughout a debate, Iraq veteran and Democrat Paul Hackett attacked George W. Bush aggressively while Republican Jean Schmidt championed the administration's policies. The two are competing for Ohio's 2nd Congressional District.
Cincinnati CityBeat |
Ann Driscoll |
07-28-2005 |
The Newest Birth Control Battlenew
Religious conservatives are moving the anti-choice fight beyond the abortion clinic and into the pharmacy. Anti-choice pharmacists opposed to all forms of artificial contraception are seeking the power to mess with women's everyday lives.
Boston Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
05-05-2005 |
The War on Women
Tags: Life, for, contraception, Abortion, international, morning-after, pill, emergency, Pharmacists
Memoir of a Manhunt
The five-year search for the convicted abortion clinic bomber Eric Rudolph is detailed in this book by a veteran investigative reporter and a veteran law enforcement officer.
Birmingham Weekly |
Dale Short |
04-19-2005 |
Inauguration Protesters Fear What Will Come Nextnew

The co-founders of the feminist publication Xika carried an adrenalized sense of purpose after attending protests at George W. Bush's inauguration. Their experiences in D.C. also compelled them to re-examine their opinions about democracy, tolerance and societal change.
San Antonio Current |
Lisa Sorg |
01-28-2005 |
Bishops' Pastoral Letter on Election Alienates Catholicsnew
Steve and Shayla King left their parish of 30 years because they were offended by a missive suggesting Catholics might endanger their eternal salvation if they didn't vote for a candidate who would protect innocent life. The letter issued in their diocese was intimidation, Steve King says.
Legislator Wants to Limit Access to "Morning After" Pillsnew
Frank Corte Jr., a San Antonio Republican, is the author of a bill in the Texas Legislature that would protect the jobs of pharmacists who refuse to fill prescriptions -- like the "morning after" pill -- on moral grounds.
Dallas Observer |
Paul Kix and Patrick Williams |
12-13-2004 |
Pro-Choice Advocates Face the Fetal Frontiernew
Pro-choice activist Frances Kissling has penned a provocative article in the current issue of Conscience, the journal of Catholics for a Free Choice, encouraging fellow advocates to acknowledge the moral and emotional complexity of abortion.
The Village Voice |
Sharon Lerner |
12-09-2004 |
Tags: George W. Bush, Abortion, John Kerry, Planned Parenthood, Gloria Steinem, Amy Richards, C-sections, Ellie Smeal, executive director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women, Feminist Majority Foundation, fetal pain, Laci's Law, Lynn Paltrow, Rosalind Petchesky, selective reduction, triplets, Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act
Last Choicenew
In the wake of Bush's re-election, a triumphant right is planning its assault on reproductive rights.
Boston Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
11-29-2004 |
Also Left Behind
Educators and health-care advocates worry about Bush's re-election impact in New Mexico.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Nadra Kareem |
11-10-2004 |
Where Our Vanished Values Went -- and How They Might Come Backnew
The paradox of this election is that it was won not on the basis of the issues at stake or the actual conditions of our life, but on matters of good and evil.
The Village Voice |
Michael Feingold |
11-09-2004 |
Blue in a Red Americanew

For those who live in Blue America, Election Day's crimson tide was a terrible blow not just to their hopes for a Kerry victory, but to their very idea of what it means to be an American.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
11-05-2004 |
Psychologist's Theory to Bring Peace Could Turn Soldiers Into Better Killersnew

Rachel MacNair argues that in war, the major stressor that causes post-traumatic stress disorder isn't watching a buddy die or coming under heavy fire from enemies. Instead, she believes, the key factor is killing someone else.
The Pitch |
Ben Paynter |
10-26-2004 |
Tags: Abortion, a member of PeaceWorks who has worked with the War Resisters League, battle fatigue, Lynn Cheatum, morality of killing, National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study, Perpetration Induced Traumatic Stress, Ph.D. candidate in psychology and sociology at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, shell shock, the American Friends Service Committee and the Kansas City Interfaith Peace Alliance, international
Keyes to Victory? The Illinois GOP Banks on Blusternew

Illinois Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, Maryland export Alan Keyes, has a history of failed campaigns based on extreme right-wing rhetoric -- but he's somehow managed to escape intense media scrutiny.
Illinois Times |
John K. Wilson |
08-12-2004 |