AltWeeklies Wire
Troubled Dallas Legislator Draws No Oppositionnew
Despite a multicount indictment hanging over her, no Democratic primary opponent stepped forward by the January deadline to vie for Texas State Rep. Terri Hodge's seat, and she faces no Republican opposition in the general election. Why?
The Texas Observer |
Jason B. Johnson |
02-11-2008 |
A Gaggle of Republicans Vie to Reclaim Tom DeLay's Seatnew
During the 20 years DeLay held the seat, the 22nd Congressional District glimmered like a Republican Death Star, an impenetrable seat of power from which he unleashed his noxiously partisan agenda on Texas and the country. But since the former House majority leader imploded, the once impregnable GOP fortress has fallen into disrepair.
The Texas Observer |
Emily DePrang |
01-29-2008 |
Saving Speaker Craddicknew
Hometown boys from Midland angle to unseat unruly reps and keep Tom Craddick in the speaker's chair.
The Texas Observer |
Andrew Wheat |
01-22-2008 |
Replacing Ronnie Earlenew
The race to become the most important prosecutor in Texas.
The Texas Observer |
Dave Mann |
01-22-2008 |
Rick Noriega Stands Up to Bush, Cornyn, and the Iraq Warnew

Though Noriega addresses many issues, the heart of his campaign is the mess that George W. Bush, neocon ideologues, and apologists like his opponent John Cornyn have made of the war in Iraq.
The Texas Observer |
Jan Reid |
12-17-2007 |
Texas Needs to Break the Chains of Too-Large Prison Systemnew
If all the people in the Texas criminal justice system lived in a single community, it would be the fourth largest city in the state.
The Texas Observer |
Editorial |
11-19-2007 |
Confessions of an Ex-Protesternew
I used to go to protests for the sense of community, for reassurance that I'm not alone, and for the feeling that I'm doing something for peace. I rarely go to protests anymore, but I still move through my life with the knowledge that every stranger is a potential comrade, and every day is a barricade.
The Texas Observer |
Emily DePrang |
11-19-2007 |
Too Much Hot Air on Climate Changenew
An unassailable majority of the world's scientists believe that climate change is real, that human activities contribute to it, and that the consequences will be devastating. Yet our president and our governor -- such learned men as they are -- insist it's not true.
The Texas Observer |
Editorial |
11-05-2007 |
Ralph Yarborough's Ghostnew

Fifty years after his election to the senate, many overlook his legacy, but the "Patron Saint of Texas Liberals" still has something to teach a new generation.
The Texas Observer |
A.J. Bauer |
09-24-2007 |
Texas Pols Need to Get Off the Fencenew
Our governor and two U.S. senators know a fence is pointless -- but since short-term political expediency seems to demand one, they are desperately trying to obscure their barren leadership with comb-overs.
The Texas Observer |
Editorial |
09-10-2007 |
Fred Thompson Finally Gets In The Deep Endnew
While covering Watergate, Hunter S. Thompson seemed oddly fascinated with the young lawyer from Tennessee -- and I think he would be surprised but not shocked to know that in September 2007, Fred Thompson would be announcing (finally) his campaign for Nixon's old job.
The Texas Observer |
Cody Garrett |
09-06-2007 |
The Bush Administration: Unhinged and Dangerousnew
Seldom if ever has a White House been as untethered from the will of the people, or reality for that matter, as the administration of George W. Bush in its second term.
The Texas Observer |
Editorial |
07-16-2007 |
Gov. Rick Perry Strikes Againnew
Perry has proved again that the 61 percent of Texans who voted against him in the last election were right - the governor is more than willing to put revenge and ideology before sound public policy.
The Texas Observer |
Editorial |
07-03-2007 |
New Prisons, Tougher Sentences and a Little Lovenew
Texas lawmakers decided once again to build more prisons, jacked up sentences for myriad offenses, and extended capital punishment to repeat child sex offenders in this legislative session -- but they also approved extensive reforms that use parole, probation, and substance abuse treatment programs to keep people out of prison.
The Texas Observer |
Patrick Michels |
06-20-2007 |
Religious Expression Bill Blesses Those Who Wrote Itnew
Texas' "Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act" was drafted by private lawyers with a penchant for suing school districts, and may not only make lawsuits more likely, but stick taxpayers with even more legal fees.
The Texas Observer |
Megan Headley |
06-20-2007 |