AltWeeklies Wire

A Union Takes a Beating at Vought Aircraftnew

Clutches of men in steel-toes and Carhartt coats waited for votes to be tallied. They were voting on a contract that entailed drastic cuts to pensions, mandatory overtime and a stripping of seniority rules. Among the many groupings of men, some pontificated about the union's fate. "If it doesn't pass, the union is broken," said one.
Nashville Scene  |  Brantley Hargrove  |  01-23-2009  |  Business & Labor

The Untold Tale Behind Mercy Ministries' Prescription for Recoverynew

Some young women claim Mercy turned them from merely damaged to suicidal. Entrusting their recovery to untrained counselors barely out of Bible college, the Mercy girls said that exorcisms and speaking in tongues took the place of treatment, that expulsion was the punishment for peeing without permission, and that DVDs featuring the testimony of former gays were peddled as a cure for lesbianism.
Nashville Scene  |  Caleb Hannan  |  10-03-2008  |  Religion

No Fix in Sight for Tennessee's Flawed Death Penalty Systemnew

After a 2007 study, the American Bar Association called for a moratorium on executions in this state until the system is fixed. Of the ABA's 93 recommended guidelines, Tennessee complies with only seven.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  10-03-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Nashville's Scooter Riders Say They Might as Well Be Invisiblenew

You would think someone riding a praying mantis-like vehicle the color of a strawberry milk shake could make it through workday traffic without cheating death. Not in Nashville, where rising gas prices and the attendant popularity of pump-friendly scooters are creating all new hybrids of traffic hazards and road rage.
Nashville Scene  |  Tracy Moore  |  09-12-2008  |  Transportation

Nashville School Resegregation Threatens a New Generationnew

The black-white educational achievement gap is already yawning in Nashville, and the city's black leaders are convinced a rezoning plan will exacerbate that.
Nashville Scene  |  Jeff Woods  |  08-29-2008  |  Education

New High-Rise Condos Betting on Nashville's Pursuit of Coolnew

Welcome to the new Nashville skyline: It's frighteningly high, undeniably modern and so ... money. It's no Nashville you've ever seen, because it's every bit an image straight out of Miami or Los Angeles -- or at least a show set there.
Nashville Scene  |  Tracy Moore  |  08-22-2008  |  Housing & Development

Black Out at the Belle Meade Country Clubnew

Even after drawing national scrutiny for its lily-white membership, the Belle Meade Country Club can't lend a brother a hand.
Nashville Scene  |  Matt Pulle  |  08-11-2008  |  Race & Class

Paul House is Being Retried for a Murder that DNA Says He Didn't Commitnew

Rather than acknowledge defeat -- never mind admitting error -- the very same prosecutor who tried House for capital murder 23 years ago announced he was going to take one more shot at convicting the ailing man for murder. But this time, he'd have to come up with a different motive, given that the theory he argued the first time -- that House killed to cover up rape -- had been shredded by the emergence of scientific evidence.
Nashville Scene  |  Sarah Kelley  |  06-27-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Private Jailer CCA Faces Heightened Scrutiny After a Year of Heinous Controversiesnew

Since its inception in 1983, CCA has become accustomed to criticism, but it is now mired in a series of scandals, embarrassments and public-relations catastrophes that may tar its reputation for years to come.
Nashville Scene  |  Matt Pulle  |  06-20-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Tennessee Takes Small Step to Protect Special Ed. Students from Seclusion and Restraintnew

Disability advocates who have spent more than a year trying to convince state legislators about the troubling fact that special education students are being physically restrained, strapped to chairs and locked in janitor closets hit a small landmark last week as the state Senate passed a bill to address a growing problem in classrooms across the state.
Nashville Scene  |  Elizabeth Ulrich  |  05-02-2008  |  Education

What Happened to Tabitha Tuders?new

Five years ago, the 13-year-old walked to the bus stop -- and her family hasn't heard from her since. As more time elapses without an arrest, the chances of cracking the case diminishes.
Nashville Scene  |  Sarah Kelley  |  04-25-2008  |  Crime & Justice

"Sad Brad Made Glad," "Quitting and Firing," "Fake News"new

AltWeeklies Award - Media Reporting
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

Grading the Dailynew

AltWeeklies Award - Media Reporting
Nashville Scene  |  Willy Stern  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

"Confessions of a Substitute Teacher"new

AltWeeklies Award - Illustration
Nashville Scene  |  James Yamasaki  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

"Be Very Afraid," "A Valentine to Bill Covington," "Van Hilleary for Senate"new

AltWeeklies Award - Column-Political
Nashville Scene  |  Liz Garrigan  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

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