AltWeeklies Wire
Appetite for Destructionnew

Conceal-carry permit holders in North Carolina can now bring guns into restaurants and bars. What could go wrong?
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg |
10-24-2013 |
Civil Liberties
A crack in Google Glass: Wearable technology's glassault on privacynew

Using a computer network to overlay information on the real world ostensibly enhances our experience, although it could be argued that mediating life through a screen instead diminishes it.
Tags: Google Glass Privacy
How Do Eugenics Victims Find Justice?new

This year, the North Carolina Legislature approved monetary compensation for the state's eugenics victims. Is that enough?
INDY Week |
Belle Boggs |
10-09-2013 |
Policy Issues
Are you an anarchist? Take the quiz and find out!new

Anarchists walk among us. They stand in line behind you at the grocery, their baskets full of shade-grown coffee, kale and nutritional yeast. They ride in bike lanes and pass idling SUVs. In fact, you may be an anarchist.
Who's buying Hofmann Forest?new

Plaintiffs sue N.C. State trustees, try to learn identity of mystery buyer
INDY Week |
Jane Porter |
10-08-2013 |
How to eat seafood responsiblynew

Monterey Bay Aquarium's Southeast seafood consumer guide for fall/winter 2013 (printable pocket guide and mobile app available)
INDY Week |
Staff |
10-02-2013 |
More layoffs at Durham's Herald-Sunnew
Second round of job cuts in two years leaves fewer than 20 people in newsroom.
How the Internet, like George Clinton before it, has reinvigorated samplingnew

"We never mind them sampling or covering a song. You're not supposed to get sued all over the place for doing it. We'd rather be doing it together." —George Clinton
Tags: Sampling
Before fracking begins in N.C., Texas energy company investigates shale gas deposits in Lee Countynew
Also: DENR rejects federal funding that would have helped the state assess fracking impacts.
As enrollment starts for the Affordable Care Act, a guide to navigating Obamacarenew

An estimated 1.2 million North Carolinians will begin shopping for subsidized health insurance next week under the ACA, also known as Obamacare.
Tags: Obamacare
Why Your Band Should Forgo "Fuck" for its Namenew

The F-named band has become not the face tattoo of band names but instead the trucker's cap of band names.
Tags: Bands Named Fuck
Some facts about the toll of coalnew

Three of the Top 50 polluting power plants are in North Carolina.
Tags: Coal Energy Facts
Voter Integrity Project boot camp teaches how to challenge votersnew
"If you're going on intuition, you will have to prove you're not racist."
Don't rob your wine of its ability to maturenew

The greatest asset of wine is the same as the greatest asset of humans: the ability to grow into a better version of ourselves over time.
INDY Week |
Adam Sobsey |
09-11-2013 |
Searching for the sugar of yesteryearnew

Fortunately, many small companies still make forgotten cult candies. Here are several places in North Carolina's Triangle where you can find these lost items.
INDY Week |
Craig D. Lindsey |
09-11-2013 |