AltWeeklies Wire
What's Driving Oakland's Robbery Epidemic?new

Answer: Smartphones. And law enforcement experts say cellphone companies could make our streets a lot safer if they would install kill switches that make their phones inoperable when stolen.
East Bay Express |
Elly Schmidt-Hopper |
10-29-2013 |
Crime & Justice
Some Basic Weed Warningsnew
The San Francisco Office of the Chief Medical Examiner suggests that female heart patients, drinkers, and gang-bangers may want to lay off pot.
East Bay Express |
David Downs |
10-29-2013 |
Tar Sands in the East Bay?new

Fossil fuel companies deny that they're preparing to bring dirty tar sands oil from Canada to the Bay Area, but environmentalists say it's only a matter of time.
East Bay Express |
Jean Tepperman |
10-29-2013 |
Greenwashing the War on Drugsnew

Law enforcement is now pointing to the environmental harms caused by illegal pot farms to justify the ongoing Drug War. But it was the Drug War that sent growers into California's forests.
East Bay Express |
David Downs |
10-10-2013 |
Policy Issues
Fracking Jerry Brownnew

The governor signed a bill that likely will expand fracking in California after taking $2.5 million in contributions from oil and natural gas interests.
East Bay Express |
Robert Gammon |
10-02-2013 |
Waiting for the Next Oil Spill Disasternew

Environmentalists say that six years after the Cosco Busan struck the Bay Bridge and dumped 53,000 gallons of oil into the bay, the state has failed to learn from its mistakes.
East Bay Express |
Vanessa Rancaño |
10-02-2013 |
Who's Jacking Up Housing Prices in West Oakland?new

Answer: Large-scale investors. They're snapping up foreclosed houses in the city's flatlands, and then selling or renting them at prices that many residents can't afford.
East Bay Express |
Jean Tepperman |
10-02-2013 |
Housing & Development
Too Damn Loudnew

Evidence suggests that hearing loss for musicians and fans is getting worse.
East Bay Express |
Ellen Cushing |
10-02-2013 |
The End of Pastured Food?new

Under pressure from Big Ag, the Obama administration is moving forward with plans that could put key segments of the organic industry out of business.
East Bay Express |
Robert Gammon |
09-25-2013 |
Labor's Great Regressionnew

The economic recovery hasn't reached the bottom half of the Bay Area's workforce, and unemployment, underemployment, and low wages have become the new normal.
East Bay Express |
Darwin BondGraham |
09-06-2013 |
When Cops Lienew

If an officer has lied under oath, prosecutors are supposed to tell defense attorneys about it, but that doesn't always happen. Dishonest cops also are supposed to lose their jobs, but that doesn't always happen either.
East Bay Express |
Joaquin Palomino |
08-28-2013 |
Crime & Justice
Waste: The Dark Side of the New Coffee Crazenew

Single-cup brewing is the hottest and most lucrative sector of the coffee market nationwide, but it's also producing massive amounts of trash.
East Bay Express |
Vanessa Rancaño |
08-26-2013 |
The Fight Against Putting Teens in Solitarynew

A lawsuit against East Bay juvenile authorities and legislation in Sacramento seek to greatly limit the practice of locking up youth in solitary confinement for months at a time.
East Bay Express |
Toshio Meronek |
08-26-2013 |
Crime & Justice
Bushwhacking Through California Parksnew

Years of state and federal budget cuts, including federal sequestration earlier this year, have resulted in overgrown trails, dirty bathrooms, and garbage-strewn picnic areas.
East Bay Express |
Robert Gammon |
08-14-2013 |
A Model Forest?new

The recent purchase of 20,000 acres of coastal redwoods could become a prototype for sustainable lumber harvesting.
East Bay Express |
Madeleine Thomas |
08-08-2013 |