AltWeeklies Wire

Ronald Bower Spent Nearly 23 Years Behind Bars for Crimes He Likely Didn't Commitnew

Ronald Bower has been granted parole after nearly 23 years in prison for crimes an ever-growing number of law enforcement officials believe he did not commit. Most recently, the NYS Attorney General's Office wrote to the Parole Board it was "Highly Unlikely" he committed these crimes. Until he gets exonerated, however, he's still a convicted sex offender. Thus, the family and attorney's quest for justice continues.
Long Island Press  |  Christopher Twarowski  |  03-17-2014  |  Crime & Justice

Countering the Providence Journal’s Anti-Pot Editorialnew

The sky didn’t fall when Colorado legalized pot, just like it didn’t fall for the thousands of years people used marijuana before prohibition.
Providence Phoenix  |  Valerie Vande Panne  |  03-17-2014  |  Drugs

Digital Warriornew

Remembering an internet activist and innovator who fought to liberate knowledge in our annual Freedom of Information coverage.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Guardian Staff Writers  |  03-12-2014  |  Tech

The Grass Menagerienew

Marijuana use is largely kept in the dark in Louisiana, but lawmakers will consider a number of pot reform laws this year.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  03-10-2014  |  Drugs

Dear New York Times, Alt-Weeklies are Decidedly Not "Over"new

For some reason, media writers in the past couple of years have been throwing shade at alt-weeklies specifically. Are alt-weeklies struggling financially? Yes -- but so is almost every media property in this country that's not funded by a billionaire.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach  |  Deirdra Funcheon  |  03-07-2014  |  Media

Meet the Babymakernew

How one same-sex couple turned its struggle to make a family into a mission
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Rodney Carmichael  |  03-07-2014  |  LGBT

A Traffic Ticket and a Bullet Through the Chestnew

As the feds investigate the Cleveland Police Department's use of deadly force, another story emerges of an unarmed man shot by cops in one of downtown's busiest entertainment districts.
Cleveland Scene  |  Doug Brown  |  03-07-2014  |  Crime & Justice

Weathering the Stormnew

Extreme weather and climate change's effects on prairie birds.
VUE Weekly  |  Rebecca Medel  |  03-07-2014  |  Environment

LGBT Legislation in Louisiananew

The latest on gay rights bills being introduced in Baton Rouge.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  03-03-2014  |  LGBT

The Very Merry Un-Gangs of Disneylandnew

Droves of tattoo-sporting, vest-wearing nerds roam the Happiest Place On Earth. They don't make war, they say­—they make magic.
OC Weekly  |  Charles Lam  |  02-27-2014  |  Features


"It's amazing how quickly life can change" — The Louisville homeless share their stories of circumstances and bad decisions, of loss and love.
LEO Weekly  |  April Corbin  |  02-26-2014  |  Homelessness

Mental Illness: Roads to Wellnessnew

For many people, serious mental illness — schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, severe depression — is a lifelong struggle causing hardships that others can't begin to imagine.
City Newspaper  |  Tim Louis Macaluso  |  02-26-2014  |  Health

Trading Placesnew

Yobel International combats the sex trade via fair trade, but that's only half the mission.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Matthew Schniper  |  02-26-2014  |  Features

Activist Sued by "American Indian Patriot" Doesn't Accept Court's Rulingnew

A local Philly anarchist helped break up a white-pride event in 2010; almost four years later, one of the event's speakers -- a so-called "Native American Patriot" -- successfully sued him in an Oklahoma court.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Randy LoBasso  |  02-26-2014  |  Crime & Justice

The Secret Lives of a Notorious Sperm-Swappernew

For five years in the early ’90s, I lived two houses down from Tom Lippert, the now-deceased fertility-clinic worker known these days for switching out his sperm and fathering one (or many) children.
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  Carolyn Campbell  |  02-26-2014  |  Features

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