AltWeeklies Wire

Hope Floatsnew

The Lake House reunites Bullock and Reeves in a twilight-zone romance.
OC Weekly  |  Ella Taylor  |  06-16-2006  |  Reviews


Hollywood pounces on 6-6-06 with a needless Omen revival.
OC Weekly  |  Jordan Harper  |  06-02-2006  |  Reviews

The Big Setupnew

Comedy Central put on a fake panel discussion on ethics and media for Man Bites Dog, and some in the audience took it a bit too seriously.
OC Weekly  |  Theo Douglas  |  04-21-2006  |  TV

Timothy Leary Meets the Muppetsnew

Be afraid, be very afraid -- Wonder Showzen is back.
OC Weekly  |  Matt Coker  |  03-31-2006  |  TV

Triumph of the Sum-Bitchnew

Larry "lays some cable" across America.
OC Weekly  |  Greg Stacy  |  03-24-2006  |  Reviews

Go Home to El Salvadornew

Wetback reveals the true anti-immigrant assholes -- Mexicans.
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  03-10-2006  |  Reviews

The Two Faces of Jonnew

Which Jon Stewart will host the Oscars -- the savage satirist or the chickenshit phony?
OC Weekly  |  Greg Stacy  |  03-03-2006  |  Movies

The Art of Bodily Horrornew

Director David Cronenberg talks about history -- and violence.
OC Weekly  |  Scott Foundas  |  01-13-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Sock It ... to Me!?!new

So it wasn't enough for those Jews in Hollywood to kick Dick Nixon around in All the President's Men or commie-pinko fag Oliver Stone's Nixon or even the one that actually made me weep, Dick. Now comes The Assassination of Richard Nixon. ...
OC Weekly  |  Richard Nixon  |  01-06-2005  |  Reviews

They Report. You

Outfoxed does a fabulous job of juxtaposing clips with commentators, muddling the film so much that despite its welcome progressive principles, it ultimately seems hypocritical at its core.
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  08-31-2004  |  Reviews

Jesse James' Public Relations Team Tougher Than Himnew

The only thing tougher than West Coast Chopper head Jesse James is the post-industrial grease monkey's public-relations team.
OC Weekly  |  Theo Douglas  |  08-07-2004  |  TV

Less Sugar, More Spicenew

It’s as if Waters assembled a bunch of performerswho were born to be thorns in the flesh of the status quo and instructed them to remain calm at all times.
OC Weekly  |  Ella Taylor  |  08-07-2004  |  Reviews

Fox Television Show Employs Bogus Doctornew

On May 14, the muckraking Web site the Smoking Gun ( reported that the Fox reality show "The Swan" employs a doctor who really ain’t a doctor.
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  05-21-2004  |  TV

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