AltWeeklies Wire
Hope Floatsnew
The Lake House reunites Bullock and Reeves in a twilight-zone romance.
The Big Setupnew
Comedy Central put on a fake panel discussion on ethics and media for Man Bites Dog, and some in the audience took it a bit too seriously.
Tags: TV
Triumph of the Sum-Bitchnew
Larry "lays some cable" across America.
Go Home to El Salvadornew
Wetback reveals the true anti-immigrant assholes -- Mexicans.
The Two Faces of Jonnew
Which Jon Stewart will host the Oscars -- the savage satirist or the chickenshit phony?
Tags: The Oscars
The Art of Bodily Horrornew
Director David Cronenberg talks about history -- and violence.
OC Weekly |
Scott Foundas |
01-13-2006 |
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Sock It ... to Me!?!new

So it wasn't enough for those Jews in Hollywood to kick Dick Nixon around in All the President's Men or commie-pinko fag Oliver Stone's Nixon or even the one that actually made me weep, Dick. Now comes The Assassination of Richard Nixon. ...
They Report. You
Outfoxed does a fabulous job of juxtaposing clips with commentators, muddling the film so much that despite its welcome progressive principles, it ultimately seems hypocritical at its core.
Jesse James' Public Relations Team Tougher Than Himnew
The only thing tougher than West Coast Chopper head Jesse James is the post-industrial grease monkey's public-relations team.
Tags: TV
Less Sugar, More Spicenew
It’s as if Waters assembled a bunch of performerswho were born to be thorns in the flesh of the status quo and instructed them to remain calm at all times.
Fox Television Show Employs Bogus Doctornew
On May 14, the muckraking Web site the Smoking Gun ( reported that the Fox reality show "The Swan" employs a doctor who really ain’t a doctor.
Tags: TV