AltWeeklies Wire

The New Pornographers' Adult Entertainernew

The New Pornographers' Carl Newman trades hooks for a daring, grownup sound, and waits for the rest of us to catch up.
The Georgia Straight  |  Adrian Mack  |  08-29-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Pack A.D. Prooves You Don't Need Balls to Play the Devil's Musicnew

Critics and fans can't get enough of the band's intuitive musicianship—the Pack's drums-guitar interplay has been compared with that of the Black Keys and the White Stripes. But there are still some silly ol' sexists out there who feel that selling your soul at the crossroads is a man's job.
The Georgia Straight  |  Sarah Rowland  |  08-18-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Film School's New Disc Gets Its Beats From My Bloody Valentine Drummernew

It's hard to remain casual when one of your idols is in the room. Now imagine said idol happens to be a member of one of your all-time favourite musical acts, and that he's recording tracks for your album.
The Georgia Straight  |  John Lucas  |  08-01-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Faint Take Their Time in Search of Perfectionnew

The quintet's fifth disc, Fasciinatiion, is so perfectly danceable that it would hardly be surprising if the Faint had carefully charted each track out on a graph ahead of time.
The Georgia Straight  |  Gregory Adams  |  08-01-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Mezzo-Soprano Denyce Graves Holds on to Her Rootsnew

Graves lives in Paris and has sung on stages from Italy's La Scala to Opera Hong Kong, but her heart remains in Washington, D.C.
The Georgia Straight  |  Janet Smith  |  08-01-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

MSTRKRFT Heralds the Return of the Big Beatnew

Few of today's big-beat revivalists hew closer to the Chemical Brothers' model than Canada's own MSTRKRFT, a production duo comprising Jesse F. Keeler and Alex Puodziukas (aka Al-P).
The Georgia Straight  |  Martin Turenne  |  07-25-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Putting the Pemberton Festival on the Mapnew

The B.C. summer-concert season's much-hyped mega event, Pemberton Festival, didn't come together by accident. Still, the three-day showcase, which will see 100 acts descend on the town of Pemberton, B.C., from July 25 to 27, could just as easily have ended up elsewhere.
The Georgia Straight  |  Mike Usinger  |  06-23-2008  |  Concerts

M83 Gets All Misty-eyed About Teen Sex and Drugsnew

For someone involved in what is officially a solo project, M83's Anthony Gonzalez is remarkably generous when it comes to sharing the spotlight.
The Georgia Straight  |  John Lucas  |  05-27-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Bedlam' Took Its Toll on Mars Voltanew

Rather than a band bio, the group's website ( offers a six-page chronicle of what transpired during the making of its fourth CD, The Bedlam in Goliath. It involves a creepy antique Ouija board and a string of catastrophes weird enough to fry at least one sound engineer’s brain.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alexander Varty  |  05-27-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

DeVotchKa Tries to Capitalize on the Attentionnew

Not exactly a household name when Little Miss Sunshine filmmakers Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris first rang up, DeVotchKa was at that point better known for trying to make the alt-underground safe for Eastern European sounds.
The Georgia Straight  |  Shawn Conner  |  05-05-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Take Does It Offend You, Yeah? at Face Valuenew

Back in the U.K., critics and punters alike have pigeonholed the group as charter members of the nu-rave club. But they're obviously aiming higher than a seat on the bandwagon next to Justice and Shitdisco.
The Georgia Straight  |  Mike Usinger  |  05-05-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Laura Veirs Sails Stormy Sea of Lovenew

As Veirs explains from her home, Saltbreakers is both a metaphorical voyage into the brine and a beautifully poetic journal describing the end of one relationship and another's beginning.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alexander Varty  |  04-28-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Sons & Daughters' Gamble Pays Offnew

The Gift finds Scott Paterson, singer-guitarist Adele Bethel, bassist Ailidh Lennon, and drummer David Gow giving their fans something that's decidedly different from past offerings.
The Georgia Straight  |  Mike Usinger  |  04-28-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Hot Chip Battles Boredomnew

Felix Martin admits that the latest album, Made in the Dark, is an odd listen, full of jarring juxtapositions, unexpected dynamic shifts, and general weirdness, but the percussionist offers no apologies for that.
The Georgia Straight  |  John Lucas  |  04-21-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Raconteurs Produce Rock 'n' Roll Alchemynew

Without even pausing to think about it, Brendan Benson describes the Raconteurs as one of the most incredible things that's ever happened to him.
The Georgia Straight  |  Mike Usinger  |  04-21-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

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