AltWeeklies Wire

The Immigrant Who Won't Leavenew

Immigration authorities have busted a gut trying to deport self-styled businessman Emmanuel Agyeman. Even seven tumultuous years in an Arizona prison couldn't budge him.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  04-19-2005  |  Immigration

Children Should Matter More Than Zygotesnew

Religious Right fanatics dominating Arizona's Republican legislative leadership have rammed through House Bill 2541 allowing health-care professionals -- including pharmacists -- to refuse to supply emergency contraceptives on religious or moral grounds.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  04-19-2005  |  Commentary

Polygamy's Money Train Should Be Derailednew

The Arizona Legislature has a rare opportunity to strike a blow to a fundamentalist Mormon cult by seizing control of its communities' school district.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  04-11-2005  |  Commentary

Blue Cross Sues Over 'Rent-a-Patient' Scamnew

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is suing nine California clinics and 21 doctors it accuses of performing unnecessary surgery on patients who were paid to participate in the scam.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  04-08-2005  |  Science

King Menew

Vocalist/guitarist Jason Hill says he'd like to be humble about the star treatment Louis XIV is getting, but he thinks his band is the best Atlantic Records has.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michael Roberts  |  04-02-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Minibosses Generate Buzz at South by Southwestnew

The Phoenix band The Minibosses, although still unsigned, has moved into the national spotlight.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  04-02-2005  |  Concerts

A Different Kind of Bloggernew

"Vlogging" or video blogging is the latest advancement in weblogging, and Christian Brower of is one of the first to hop on the bandwagon.
Phoenix New Times  |  Jimmy Magahern  |  04-02-2005  |  Science

Hair Metal Hits the Roadnew

When fans see a band that once defined youthful abandon begin to go gray, it underscores their own mortality. But if you gotta go out, it might as well be with a smile, and Mötley Crüe's first tour in five years should provide plenty of dopey grins.
Phoenix New Times  |  Jason Bracelin  |  03-22-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Two Muchnew

Canadian twin sisters Tegan and Sara Quin have enough delicious guitar hooks and soul-baring, anthemic choruses in their latest album to lead a full-on power pop revival.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  03-22-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Arizona Lawmaker Goes After Campus Pressnew

Russell Pearce, a member of the Salt Lake City-based Mormon Church, put language in this year's state budget bill to eliminate funding for campus publications in Arizona because they have run stories and photographs he considers offensive.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  03-22-2005  |  Media

Artist Wants to Build Holocaust Memorial in Phoenixnew

Landscape architect Bill Tonnesen believes his true purpose in life is to build a Jewish Holocaust memorial of worldwide stature. Critics scoff that his greatest talent is self-promotion.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  03-22-2005  |  Art

DDT and the Contaminated Splendor of Painted Rock Reservoirnew

The emergence of Arizona's second largest lake is no cause to celebrate. Its water will disappear under the scorching summer sun, leaving behind a poisonous legacy.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  03-16-2005  |  Environment

Top Player Must Choose Between School and NBAnew

Sometime soon, Pac-10 player of the year Ike Diogu will make a momentous decision -- whether to stick around Arizona State University for his senior year or set sail for the National Basketball Association.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  03-16-2005  |  Sports

Uncle Gonzo: A Madman Ahead of His Timenew

Paul Rubin knew the journalist when he was more "gone so" than gonzo. Hunter S. Thompson relied on what was left of his reputation to chisel money out of people and to court and mistreat a much younger woman.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  03-08-2005  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Shock Treatmentnew

Adrien Brody tries to uncover the mystery of his impending death in this high-concept film.
Phoenix New Times  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  03-08-2005  |  Reviews

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