AltWeeklies Wire
While Network News Flounders, the Present Belongs to NPRnew
Now that early-evening network news programming has sustained a series of body blows, it looks as if NPR -- certainly not cable -- is the wave of the future for serious news-followers.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
04-15-2005 |
Seen But Not Heardnew
By standing in opposition to modernity, the pope made himself an irrelevant--if beloved--figure in the West.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
04-12-2005 |
An American Fatwanew
Media irresponsibility could place Michael Schiavo's life in danger for many years to come.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
04-04-2005 |
Tags: media
Worst Homicide Squad seriesnew
AltWeeklies Award - Investigative Reporting
Boston Phoenix |
David S. Bernstein |
03-31-2005 |
Tags: media
When My Brother Held the Plugnew
Three years ago, the writer watched his brother struggle with the gut-wrenching decision of whether to pull the plug and let his wife die -- and then watched as she miraculously recovered.
Boston Phoenix |
David S. Bernstein |
03-29-2005 |
GLBT Youth and the Stifling of Discussion of Gay Sexualitynew
The queer community's fight for same-sex marriage, combined with revived AIDS hysteria, is shortchanging gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth by stifling discussion of gay sexuality.
Boston Phoenix |
Michael Bronski |
03-28-2005 |
High Times: the Magazine for Serious Cannabis Smokersnew
After a brief stint as a slick, celebrity-driven version of the Nation, the pot-appreciation magazine High Times is back to its roots -- and readers are inhaling deeply.
Boston Phoenix |
Camille Dodero |
03-21-2005 |
Trying Ethics on for Sizenew
Los Angeles-based American Apparel is one example of a wacky strain of capitalism, a delightfully oxymoronic collection of disparate efforts that flies under the banner of socially responsible business. Profit-making enterprises such as these aim to do well while doing good.
Boston Phoenix |
Camille Dodero |
03-09-2005 |
Business & Labor
Tags: business & labor
Connecting the Dotsnew
With communication technologies exploding exponentially, can Braille -- invented in 1829 and largely unchanged since -- still be relevant?
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
02-03-2005 |
Business & Labor
Beware! Google is Watching Younew
The company everyone loves knows more about you than you might realize. And that’s just for starters.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
01-21-2005 |
Cardiac Kidsnew
Internet speculation about Bush’s and Cheney’s health poses a media dilemma. Plus, Barnicle’s Herald stint sours; what the sale of Slate means for online media; and Arthur Sulzberger changes his mind.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
01-06-2005 |
Tags: media
Michael Powell: Unlikely Crusadernew
A notorious moment on television allowed libertarian technocrat and FCC chair Michael Powell to save his career. The Great Deregulator morphed into the Moral Crusader.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
12-23-2004 |
Merry Christmas, Mr. Rumsfeldnew

The call for Donald Rumsfeld's ouster has become nearly universal. But will the defense secretary's critics cop to being just as guilty as he is for bollixing up Iraq?
Boston Phoenix |
Jason Vest |
12-23-2004 |
How Would Jesus Vote?new
All year, questions of spiritual interpretation were inseparable from elections and public policy.
Boston Phoenix |
David S. Bernstein |
12-23-2004 |
Faces of Deathnew
That video of a Marine shooting an Iraqi insurgent has already begun to fade. Here's why.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
12-03-2004 |