AltWeeklies Wire

The Thirty-Two Hundred Penny Operanew

To visit New York is to nibble on the crumbs falling from the table of capitalism, and it can be a very tasty meal. But in a small park downtown, there is a contingent determined to deliver a message: All is not well for the rest of us.
INDY Week  |  David Fellerath  |  10-27-2011  |  Culture

Sinful Savage Tigers' The Last Night of the Revelsnew

The Tigers have arrived at a wonderfully catchy, stylistically balanced record in little time at all.
INDY Week  |  Chris Parker  |  10-27-2011  |  Reviews

The Hot at Nights' Nice Talknew

When the group wanders, they're at their best.
INDY Week  |  Brandon Soderberg  |  10-27-2011  |  Reviews

Systems' Ghost Medicinenew

At the core of Systems' brilliance, at least on the Carrboro band's debut, is the band's ability to navigate the uneven line between thrash and post-rock.
INDY Week  |  Corbie Hill  |  10-27-2011  |  Reviews

Logan Pate'sThe Difference Between Moths and Butterfliesnew

Building from the soulful electronics of his earlier Moths EP, Pate adds hypnotic acoustic guitar, gracing the mix with his extraordinary voice.
INDY Week  |  Jordan Lawrence  |  10-27-2011  |  Reviews

A Surprisingly Good Puss in Bootsnew

"Wait a minute, I'm being entertained by a movie about a damn talking, sword-fighting cat!"
INDY Week  |  Craig D. Lindsey  |  10-27-2011  |  Reviews

The Story of a Painting in The Mill and the Crossnew

Lech Majewski's film revels in the earthy details of 16th-century Flemish life even as it employs up-to-the-minute CGI techniques to bring this wonderfully complex painting by Pieter Bruegel to life.
INDY Week  |  David Fellerath  |  10-27-2011  |  Reviews

Telling the Wall Street Side in Margin Callnew

Anybody who goes into Margin Call hoping to see investment bankers raked over the coals will be disappointed.
INDY Week  |  Craig D. Lindsey  |  10-27-2011  |  Reviews

Stratocruiser's The Sparknew

Stratocruiser's fourth album successfully highlights more nascent psych influences that augment the ringing jangle pop and glammy hard pop of antecedents such as Badfinger and Cheap Trick.
INDY Week  |  Chris Parker  |  10-26-2011  |  Reviews

Heads on Sticks' Brutish & Shortnew

In the last two years, Heads on Sticks have gone from a largely studio-bound offshoot of a prominent local bandleader and sideman to one of the best live acts in the area.
INDY Week  |  Jordan Lawrence  |  10-26-2011  |  Reviews

Wilmington's John Jeremiah Sullivan Roughs it in Pulpheadnew

The wide-ranging subjects in Pulphead are unified into a coherent book by Sullivan's fine prose and lively voice, which can be scholarly, snarky, lyrical or harsh as suits the occasion.
INDY Week  |  Adam Sobsey  |  10-20-2011  |  Fiction

Wild Flag Gets Dynamic, Not Didacticnew

Mary Timony's knotty heaviness melds perfectly with Carrie Brownstein's brawny swagger on the group's self-titled debut.
INDY Week  |  David Raposa  |  10-20-2011  |  Reviews

Willie Nelson and a Spate of Veterans Take Their Bowsnew

Nelson has paired a decades-long string of hits with decades spent in service of them, constantly performing in front of new audiences.
INDY Week  |  Grayson Currin  |  10-20-2011  |  Music

Wesley Wolfe's Cynics Need Love Toonew

In two years, Wolfe has grown from a songwriter who doubted he was any good to a self-sufficient writer, singer, arranger, producer and manufacturer who, most important, has proven that even the worst impulses can be broadcast and beaten.
INDY Week  |  Staff  |  10-20-2011  |  Reviews

Wesley Wolfe's Pursuit of His Own Finished Productnew

"If I buy a new pedal that can inspire a new song right there because you're working with a new pedal or a new effect. Or if you buy a new guitar to have in the studio, you end up playing it for a little while, and there's different song fragments," says Wolfe.
INDY Week  |  Jordan Lawrence  |  10-20-2011  |  Profiles & Interviews

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