AltWeeklies Wire
Alt.Health: Mind Your Munchingnew
Elevate your culinary consciousness with mindful eating.
NOW Magazine |
Elizabeth Bromstein |
09-02-2008 |
Tags: advice columns, food & drink
Ask the Dogcatcher!new
Kylie B. (aka the Dogcatcher) answers all your critter questions.
Eugene Weekly |
Kylie Belachaikovsky |
08-28-2008 |
Tags: advice columns
Ecoholic: Driving a Greener Rentalnew
It ain't all that straightforward to rent the greenest cars. On summer weekends, pretty much every rental agency has an official or not so official policy against renting out economy cars for just a day.
NOW Magazine |
Adria Vasil |
08-26-2008 |
Alt.Health: Clicking Time Bombnew
Halt pain of "mouse arm" by staying calm and working your core.
NOW Magazine |
Elizabeth Bromstein |
08-26-2008 |
Tags: advice columns
The Angry Grammarian: Grammar Nerds and Computer Nerds Unite!new
It was a tragic week for grammar. Beleaguered Internet readers had their hopes momentarily lifted, only to get them smashed just as quickly.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Jeffrey Barg |
08-25-2008 |
Advice Have an Art Attacknew
Boost your creative juices with guided imagery, and leave time for the unexpected.
NOW Magazine |
Elizabeth Bromstein |
08-08-2008 |
Tags: advice columns
Ecoholic: The Hunt for 100-mile Beernew
You've recommended organic beer, but the ingredients come from all over the world. Does anyone use strictly local ingredients?
NOW Magazine |
Adria Vasil |
08-08-2008 |
Advice Your Daily Routine Could Be Cooking Your Spermnew

There are a lot of things that might make you shoot blanks. Among them are obesity, pesticides, stress, heat, smoking and drinking.
NOW Magazine |
Elizabeth Bromstein |
08-04-2008 |
Ecoholic: Sniffing Out Radioactive Gases in Your Kitchen and Basementnew
I heard that radioactive radon gas could be coming from my granite counters as well as my basement. Should I worry?
NOW Magazine |
Adria Vasil |
08-04-2008 |
Sex Files: It's Never Too Late for Men to Deal With Premature Ejaculationnew
About 30 percent of men climax earlier than they want. Usually, the more anxious men get about the problem, the less control they have, creating a self-perpetuating cycle. The good news, however, is that it is often possible to make a clean break and start anew.
C-Ville Weekly |
Annette Owens |
07-30-2008 |
The Angry Grammarian: Words We Missnew
Good words are like muscles. They can be really strong and beautiful, but if you don't use 'em, they'll atrophy and eventually disappear.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Jeffrey Barg |
07-28-2008 |
Alt.Health: If the Shoe Hurtsnew
We may be slaves to the minimalist flip-flop, but they're a heel-to-toe disaster.
NOW Magazine |
Elizabeth Bromstein |
07-28-2008 |
Ecoholic: Is Your Cottage a Lakefront Menace or an Earthly Paradise?new

Though I feel a little guilty about the drive, I love going to the cottage. Any advice on greening the experience?
NOW Magazine |
Adria Vasil |
07-28-2008 |
Advice Boost Your Brain Powernew
A few tips to exercise your noggin.
NOW Magazine |
Elizabeth Bromstein |
07-21-2008 |
Ecoholic: Keep Ants in Checknew
You can de-bug with green potions you can find in your pantry.
NOW Magazine |
Adria Vasil |
07-21-2008 |