AltWeeklies Wire

'The Way of All Flesh' May Be One of the Best Metal Albums Evernew

French ecological death metal? It's the only way to characterize Gojira's fourth full-length.
Tucson Weekly  |  Jarret Keene  |  11-06-2008  |  Reviews

Grayceon Lets its Prog Rev Up Organically on 'This Grand Show'new

Though San Francisco's Grayceon sounds nothing like Dream Theater or Mastodon, it wouldn't sound too out of place on a bill with either band: The trio combines prog's obsession with long-form composition and unconventional orchestration with metal's crunchy guitars and hyperactive drumming.
Washington City Paper  |  Brandon Wu  |  11-06-2008  |  Reviews

DragonForce's Latest is its Finest to Datenew

The album's title -- Ultra Beatdown -- is apt, since after enduring the eight epic tracks (the shortest clocking in at more than five minutes), one feels absolutely pummeled by the pure, unadulterated shred unleashed by lead guitarist Herman Li.
Tucson Weekly  |  Jarret Keene  |  10-30-2008  |  Reviews

The Best of the Worst: Metal's Most Notorious Album Coversnew

Heavy metal and Halloween go hand in hand.In that spirit, let's take a closer look at some of metal’s most notorious album covers.
Fast Forward Weekly  |  Keith Carman  |  10-30-2008  |  Music

Wastelander Wears Poor Production Values Like a Badge of Honornew

Toxic Holocaust may have unveiled the most polished post-apocalyptic metal release of 2008, but Wastelander offers the most inspired, with the no-budget, yet ferocious Wardrive.
Tucson Weekly  |  Jarret Keene  |  10-15-2008  |  Reviews

Exmortus Has That '80s-Metal Feelnew

The group's full-length debut, In Hatred's Flame, burns with the ambition of teenage metalheads striving to be as epic as inhumanly possible.
Tucson Weekly  |  Jarret Keene  |  09-18-2008  |  Reviews

One of the Best in the Metal Game: As I Lay Dyingnew

Forget pop-punk and beach-bunny troubadours -- these North County headbangers are becoming the biggest metal band in the land
San Diego CityBeat  |  Seth Combs  |  09-10-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Is the DragonForce Joke Getting Old?new

Take away the absurdly fast tempos, the wacky solos, and the glam-metal attitude, and you’re left with old-fashioned butt rock. And didn’t we all collectively purge ourselves of butt rock two decades ago?
Washington City Paper  |  Arthur Delaney  |  08-25-2008  |  Reviews

Phoenix Metal Band Fracture Point Sounds Like a Mastodon Stampedenew

But instead of directionless destruction, this beast intelligently winds its way through a well-constructed maze of down-tuned guitars, burly bass lines, screaming solos, and tricky timing changes.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  07-22-2008  |  Reviews

Page Six is a Long Way from Black Tide's South Florida Homenew

It's safe to assume it was the first time a bunch of West Kendallites appeared in the New York Post's infamous gossip column. And it's especially notable because they did so for indirectly inciting a minor riot in L.A. alongside a famously celebrated, then disgraced, then semi-redeemed memoirist.
Miami New Times  |  Arielle Castillo  |  07-21-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Miami's Torche Recasts Metalnew

With Meanderthal, Torche joins the current crop of innovative heavy bands rising from the South, each of them taking historical reverence for divergent forms and funneling it into iconoclastic, brazen hard metallic shapes.
INDY Week  |  Grayson Currin  |  07-03-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

How a Cartoon Band Landed a Real-life Tournew

Brendon Small earned his hardcore musical cred in a most unusual manner – through a cartoon. He is the creator, writer and main voice actor of the hit cartoon series, Metal­ocalypse.
NOW Magazine  |  Evan Davies  |  06-23-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Filmmakers of 'Metal: A Headbanger's Journey' Continue on Their Questnew

Globe-trotting from South America to the Middle East and even China to document heavy metal’s impact around the world, Sam Dunn and Scot McFadyen learned a thing or two about getting in and out of sticky situations with the footage they needed.
NOW Magazine  |  Evan Davies  |  06-23-2008  |  Profiles & Interviews

Photographer Peter Beste on Black Metalnew

Partly for his love of metal and partly because he's fascinated by the violent history and extreme nature of the Norwegian black metal scene, Beste spent close to seven years hopping back and forth to Norway in order to shoot some of the scene's most influential and interesting personalities.
NOW Magazine  |  Evan Davies  |  06-23-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Is Metallica's Bonnaroo Appearance a Sign of the Apocalypse?new

You naysayers can go down with a whimper, but we are offering what we feel is the last, best hope for the survival of mankind: a guide for hippie-metalhead diplomacy.
Nashville Scene  |  Jack Silverman  |  06-13-2008  |  Concerts

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