AltWeeklies Wire

Geocachers Take the Treasure Hunt into the 21st Centurynew

Right under our collective noses, geocachers are placing small caches in ingenious places, uploading the GPS coordinates onto the official geocaching website and competing with each other to be the first to find these hidden treasures. The sport of geocaching has over 3,300 official participants in Quebec, and caches in every corner of Montreal.
Montreal Mirror  |  Erik Leijon  |  08-05-2008  |  Recreation

Arborists from Around the World Gather for the International Tree Climbing Championshipsnew

The tree-climbing championships are hosted and organized by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), a nonprofit advocacy group based in Champaign, Illinois. The competition has existed since 1976, but it has never received the kind of attention lavished upon similar outdoor events such as rock climbing and lumberjack sports.
Riverfront Times  |  Keegan Hamilton  |  08-01-2008  |  Recreation

Let Your Geek Flags Fly at Star Trek the Exhibitionnew

Local Trekkies (and Trekkers) continue their flight on the Enterprise--albeit vicariously, expensively and in a stationary setting.
San Diego CityBeat  |  AnnaMaria Stephens  |  07-23-2008  |  Recreation

Travel Portland Tries to Woo Tourists with Indie Rocknew

The "private nonprofit destination marketing organization" is running an "Indie Music Hotel Package," which courts the would-be indie tourist with hip package deals for lodging and a free sampler of local music.
The Portland Mercury  |  Ezra Ace Caraeff  |  07-03-2008  |  Music

Let's Blow Stuff Up!new

"Don't try this at home, kids. This is not Jackass," warned Matt Staab, a chemistry teacher at Cleveland High School, as he put on goggles and started rummaging around in a green plastic box marked "Explosives Kit." His trucker cap said "I [Heart] Chemistry."
The Portland Mercury  |  Amy J. Ruiz  |  07-03-2008  |  Recreation

One Man's Quest to Beat the San Diego Beach Booze Bannew

Brad Boyle determined it would be legal to carry a case of beer across the sand, put it on some kind of float, push the float to sea, drink the beer, paddle in and recycle the empties. A perfect solution.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Eric Wolff  |  07-02-2008  |  Food+Drink

Screw 'Vacation,' Nirvana's in Your Own Backyardnew

Thankfully, Colorado is still stocked with ample open space, much of it within just an hour's drive. So when thinking about things to do this summer that won't cost you a ton of travel money, we had to put some hiking/biking/camping-type activities on the list.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Staff  |  07-01-2008  |  Recreation

Live Active Culturesnew

Sometimes, words are justworthless. That’s a tough truth for a writer to admit: If it weren’t for words, I’d be out of a job, and you’d be picking up this paper just to ogle the massage ads (maybe you already are). But even the most loquacious lexis lover must concede that images can speak louder than a thousand words.
Orlando Weekly  |  Seth Kubersky  |  06-26-2008  |  Recreation

Ed Shadle Plans to Set World Land-Speed Record Using a Fighter Jetnew

The costs are high, public interest is down, and sponsorship in the sport is next to nil. So why invest massive quantities of time and money for a 20-second ride? Shadle answers with the Mount Everest analogy: Why climb it? Because it's there.
Seattle Weekly  |  Jesse Froehling  |  06-23-2008  |  Recreation

The Arrival of Summer Means its Time for Fishing in Detroitnew

Fishing's always been a popular warm-weather pastime in the city. The Detroit River snakes for miles along the city's edge, and its banks have hundreds of spots where someone can spend the day basking in the sun and listening to the waves splashing at the shore as they wait for a tug on their line.
Metro Times  |  Detroitblogger John  |  06-17-2008  |  Recreation

Live Active Culturesnew

Stand for Change! It’s about Change! Change!! Change!!! As the presidential primary circus staggered to a close on Saturday, I was struck by how “change” has become the de facto rhetorical rallying point for all sides in this election. Looks like everyone is in love with change.
Orlando Weekly  |  Seth Kubersky  |  06-12-2008  |  Recreation

Live Active Culturesnew

Disney has launched its latest salvo in the theme-park wars, but this time their ammunition doesn’t come in the usual form of a massive roller coaster or an army of mouse-eared attorneys. Instead, the shells they’re shooting resemble pies, darts and plastic rings.
Orlando Weekly  |  Seth Kubersky  |  06-05-2008  |  Recreation

Live Active Culturesnew

Miss me? Sorry to disappear last week, but the perfect storm that was the 17th Orlando International Fringe Theatre Festival blew my regular musings right off the map.
Orlando Weekly  |  Seth Kubersky  |  05-29-2008  |  Recreation

Bring Black Back to San Diegonew

The new San Diego African American Culture Center reintroduces a black presence to downtown.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Kinsee Morlan  |  05-28-2008  |  Recreation

Riverside's Castle Park: Southern California's Minigolf Meccanew

Sure, this bastard love child of real golf and Chutes and Ladders is what Satan would make Tiger Woods play if he wound up in Hell. And yeah, it's just about the tackiest sport ever invented. But minigolf is also supremely relaxing.
L.A. Weekly  |  Gendy Alimurung  |  05-27-2008  |  Recreation

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